Public spending, end of life, presidential 2027: letters from the readers of L’Express

Public spending end of life presidential 2027 letters from the

Doctors facing the end of life

Patrice Micolon, Viroflay (Yvelines)

Many doctors display their opposition to the euthanasia of terminally ill patients in the name of respect for life and their vocation to care. But human life is a biological system that supports the values ​​of love, compassion, generosity, ambition, art, culture, science… But during an agony, all of this is in the process of an inevitable obliteration. Only the pain remains. In the name of humanity, it is therefore important to preserve the supreme value of humanity: freedom. Are doctors meant to treat? Certainly, but let them not forget that caring means helping. And to help is to cure or, failing that, to make the disease bearable. Sustaining suffering is not healing. To respect life, when life is nothing more than suffering, is to respect suffering. (“End of life law: I am in doubt and it seems healthy to be so“, by Abnousse Shalmani, L’Express of April 13).

The misfortune of not being Swiss

Paul Perret, Montmorency (Val d’Oise)

Currently, we are in France in the midst of a political crisis. If we were in Switzerland, all this would have been resolved calmly by a vote. The French Fifth Republic can only be democratic with a Swiss-style voting system. (“Emmanuel Macron: the dangers of voluntary loneliness“, L’Express of April 20).

European comparisons

Jany Galtaud Cam, Royan (Charente-Maritime)

In Germany, Denmark and Italy, the retirement age is 67. In Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg, it is 65 years old. Does this mean that in France, workers are extremely fragile? Many parliamentarians voted against the reform only to harm the government when they are not stupid enough to imagine that retirement at 62 will be possible forever as life expectancy increases. As for the very young people who demonstrate, they do not realize that they will have to finance the retirement of their parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents. (“Generalized antimacronism“, Letter to the readers, L’Express of April 13).

In 2027, I will vote Coluche

Eric Debray, Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine)

In 2017, in order to avoid a duel between Fillon and Le Pen, I let myself be seduced by Emmanuel Macron’s slogan “neither right nor left”. Since then, 75% of the measures he has taken are ranked right by experts. As for the pension reform, the parametric reform that he is trying to forcefully impose on the country goes contrary to his speeches in 2019 when he launched a systemic reform on points. Disappointed by his behavior and not seeing me vote in 2027 for one of his three potential successors (Edouard Philippe, Bruno Le Maire, Gérald Darmanin) who will not respond to my wish to take the best of the right and the left, knowing that the left is in lint and that the DNA of the RN seems unhealthy to me, I will put a Coluche ballot in the ballot box, that is to say, concretely, a null vote. (“Emmanuel Macron: the dangers of voluntary loneliness”L’Express of April 20).

Reduce public spending

Madeleine Gibon, Saumur (Maine-et-Loire)

Nicolas Bouzou insists on the fact that the State must regulate spending, before increasing compulsory levies. He is right. In 1976, Raymond Barre had imposed a plan to reduce spending and the public deficit. Ministries were required to justify their expenditure on a quarterly basis… and therefore not to exceed the imposed framework! Why is our government not taking such measures of financial rigor today? Taxpayers, they see with bitterness the mandatory levies lead to a drop in their income! (“For fifty years we have been bathed in extravagant cowardice”, by Nicolas Bouzou, L’Express April 13, 2023).

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