At the age of 24, health inspiration Sofia Ståhl, also known as PT-fia, suffered from exhaustion and it took several years before she dared to describe herself as healthy.
Jenny: These photos were taken just before you were on sick leave. You look energetic and happy – but did you already have symptoms of exhaustion?
— It was three months before I was on sick leave. In a way I was on top, but at the same time I felt like crap. I didn’t know what it was, but you’re not just ONE thing. I was super happy for what happened to me in the professional world, but also had a darkness and a lot of difficult things that I dealt with in the private world, says Sofia Ståhl in Nyhetsmorgon.
Social media helped her
She says that she had a lot of help from social media.
— Just in these ten years, an incredible amount has happened in the way we talk about mental illness. I searched a lot and have a lot to thank social media. I was early in talking about anxiety and exhaustion – or the “stress disease” as I called it – on social media and it helped me move forward, she says.
In the clip above: “I didn’t know myself”