Psychologist: why and when to consult him?

Psychologist why and when to consult him

A psychologist analyzes situations to identify problems and support people in difficulty with the help of therapy, for example. Price of consultations, reimbursements, training… We take stock.

During moments of doubt, questioning, even periods of great emotional distress, the psychologist comes into play. It can offer valuable support and keys to better understand and overcome these trials. What differences with a psychiatrist? When to consult it? How to find a good psychologist?

Definition: what is a psychologist?

The psychologist is not a doctor. The use of the professional title of psychologist is reserved for people who are “holders of a diploma or title sanctioning a fundamental university education”. The list is established by decree in Board of state. Psychologists are registered in an “ADELI” register. “We are very vigilant that this number is communicated to users. It must be accessible to the public (consultable with the ARS) sinceit guarantees the qualification of psychologists specifies Benoît Schneider, co-president of the French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology (FFPP). His places of practice: hospital, public or private institutions, associations, health centers, companies and of course private practice in liberal.

What are the differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

The psychologist is not a doctor unlike the psychiatrist.

When to consult a psychologist?

Consultation with a psychologist is necessary when the person’s troubles prevent him from having a satisfying social life. This concerns both professional and personal relationships. It is not necessary to have a medical prescription to consult. But the attending physician can indicate to the patient that he requires care from a psychologist.

► How does a first date go? It is difficult to answer this question as the practices of psychologists and psychiatrists are so varied. Overall, this consultation should not be understood. This is a first contact that will allow the shrink to make a first point : he will seek above all to know why the person consults. Perhaps he will also ask questions about the patient’s history in order to have benchmarks. On the patient side, it is also the opportunity to check that the shrink he has chosen suits him. It is indeed essential to feel at ease, to be able to speak freely, in a way to have a good feeling with your shrink. And if this is not the case, no one is forcing you to reschedule. Just because you make an appointment once doesn’t mean you’re engaged.

The choice of a psychologist is made depending on their specialty. During his training, the psychologist specializes in one area: neuropsychology, general psychopathology, work psychology… This specialization then determines its field of intervention. For example, the “clinical psychologist”, who has thus turned to psychopathology during his university course, offers psychotherapies to his patients, while the “cognitive psychologist” is trained in behavioral and cognitive therapies. It is important to guide your selection with this initial information. It is possible to ask your doctor about the professionals with whom he is used to working. It is reassuring and allows good follow-up. Whatever their specialization, all psychologists holding this title undertake to respect the Code of Ethics for Psychologists. In particular, they are subject to professional secrecy. In addition, psychologists are required to register in a departmental register, which can be consulted by contacting the Departmental Directorate of Health and Social Affairs (DDASS). This is the guarantee of their professional identity and the possession of a university degree. Unlike the psychiatrist, the psychologist cannot prescribe medication.

What does a psychologist do?

During the sessions, the psychologist analyzes situations to identify problems and advise on methods of psychological assistance. According to his affinities, his influences, his training and his affiliation to such and such a school, the psychologist will prefer to set up certain psychotherapies rather than others (support psychotherapy, psychoanalytically inspired psychotherapy, etc.). Like psychiatrists,Psychologists can also be psychoanalysts. Some psychologists use tools, such as IQ tests, personality tests or memory tests in order to better understand the difficulties of their patients.

What are the prices of a session with the psychologist? Is it reimbursed?

The rates charged vary from one psychologist to another and from one region to another. When the psychologist consults in a private practice, the price of the consultations (between 50 and more than 100€) is not not reimbursed by health insurance, but by certain mutuals. On the other hand, if it is a therapist in a hospital or school environment, the consultations are supported within the framework of the public service.

► To know : there are regional networks for the multidisciplinary management of certain pathologies, from centers specializing in the management of neurodegenerative diseases (such as multiple sclerosis), to centers specializing in the management of pain, for example. Via these networks, it is sometimes possible to benefit from a certain number of sessions free of charge. with a liberal city psychologist.

  • The general practitioner : he can refer you to a fellow psychologist or psychiatrist.
  • Word of mouth can also be a good solution when you don’t know which shrink to consult. However, it is preferable not to consult the same shrink as your husband or wife for obvious reasons, which would not facilitate the work of the shrink…
  • Via the psychiatric services and the structures of the psychiatric sector, in particular the medico-psychological centers (CMP)who also usually have contacts.
  • If it is a consultation for a child or adolescent, you can also use word of mouth with the parents of the school or contact the school directly. At best, the school psychologist, if there is one, can guide. Otherwise, social workers or nurses generally also have psychological contacts in their network.

To practice the profession of psychologist, it is necessary to follow a university education in 5 years(bachelor’s degree in psychology, master’s degree in psychology, internships defined by the regulations).

What are the different methods of the psychologist?

Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and behavioral therapies are the different methods used by psychologists or psychiatrists during sessions. The choice of cognitive therapies or family psychotherapies is made at the start of treatmentin agreement with the patient.

Thanks to Benoît Schneider, Professor of psychology, psychologist and co-president of the French Federation of Psychologists and Psychology (FFPP).
