Psychic spectacle starts next week with new Shiny and Mega Pokémon

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

A big psycho event starts in September at Pokémon GO. With a new Shiny, a new Mega Pokémon, a Raid tag and other exciting content. We show you the details in the overview.

What is this event? Pokémon GO already organized a psychological spectacle last year. In September 2021, two new Pokémon were introduced. A new Pokémon also plays a role in this year’s spectacle: Mega Simsala is coming to the Mega Raids.

Here we will show you how the spawns, raids, eggs and field research are changing and everything else you need to know about the event.

Psycho spectacle in detail: start, wilderness spawns, raids, bonuses

When is this running? The event starts on Tuesday, September 6th at 10:00 local time. It will then be active until Monday, September 12 at 20:00 local time. (Note: The German version of the official Pokémon GO blog states that the event runs until December 12th. This is an error. September 12th is the end date of the event.)

What’s new? You can encounter Mega Simsala in Mega Raids. With luck also as Shiny. Additionally, the dazzling version of Pygraulon is released.

Mega Simsala: You can encounter Mega Simsala during the event. If you develop Kadabra in Simsala during the event, or catch Simsala after a raid, it will know the Charged Attack Psychic. In Trainer Battles, Arena Battles, and Raid Battles, Psychic deals 90 damage.

Wilderness Spawns: The following Pokemon appear more frequently in the wild (Pokémon marked with a star

  • marked, you can hit as Shiny with luck):
  • abra*
  • Flegmon*
  • trauma*
  • nature*
  • Trasla*
  • spoink*
  • summer*
  • Fleknoil*
  • Mollimorba
  • monocyte
  • pygraulon*
  • With luck you will meet Kadabra and Kirlia 7km Eggs:

    The Pokémon Kussilla*, Isso* and Klingplim can hatch from the 7-eggs that you receive during the event. Field research:

    Field research rewards during the event include Puppance*. Palimpalim*, Pygraulon* and with luck also Hypno. There is also a Limited Research running that revolves around Curveball Throws. Research rewards you with Pygraulon*.

    Stage 1 (Red Egg)Icognito E
    Unown P
    Unown S
    Psiau*Level 3 (Yellow Egg)Alolan Raichu*
    Where exactly*
    Commander Level 5Deoxys in
    – normal form*
    – Attack form*
    – form of defense*

    – Initiative Form*Mega RaidsMega Simsala* Extra Event “Raid Day”:

    On Sunday, September 11th, the Pokémon GO Raid Tag event will run from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with Deoxys. During this time, all forms of Deoxys appear in the 5-raids and you get up to 5 additional free raid passes by spinning photo discs in arenas. In addition, the chances of Shiny Deoxys are increased. PvP:

    The Psycho Cup is on in the Season of Light. Only Pokémon that have 1,500 CP or less and are Psychic-type can participate. An exception is the Pokémon Mew, which is not allowed to participate at all.

    How do you like the view of the psycho spectacle? An event you’re looking forward to? Which of the contents do you like the most?
