PS5 back for Black Friday! Live stocks

PS5 back for Black Friday Live stocks

Hostilities are well underway on the Black Friday 2022 side, with a product that remains at the center of attention: the Playstation 5. Sony’s new console is back this week, we tell you where and when just below.

With its capabilities worthy of a high-end PC, its acclaimed exclusives and its huge franchises, the Playstation 5 is still the first choice of the French when it comes to home consoles, despite a price increase. of its two editions at the beginning of September. However, its popularity and the production difficulties that Sony has been experiencing for two years have triggered a rather special situation for the console, the purchase of which has become quite similar to a treasure hunt. In case of restocking, you have to react very quickly to try to grab a PS5, and that’s why we offer you a live follow-up of the offers of the day, which are likely to be quite numerous during this week of Black-Friday 2022.

BLACK FRIDAY: PS5 stocks for Monday, November 21

  • 10:53 a.m.: The new PS5 is totally absent from resale sites for the moment this Monday.

BLACK FRIDAY: The best used PS5 deals

For the moment, this beginning of the week is quite empty on the PS5 side, although the first days of Black Friday have given us hope for a marked improvement in the market. The console made fairly long appearances on the Amazon and CDiscount sites, a boon for many buyers who finally managed to get the precious sesame to the next-gen. But it is still possible to find the used PS5, with prices 15 to 20% higher than its base price, whether it is the Digital edition (449 €) or the Standard edition ( €549). Beware, however, of offers clearly taking advantage of the rarity of the console.
