PS List – Public place in the 2024 European elections: how many candidates elected to the European Parliament?

PS List Public place in the 2024 European elections

The list led by Raphaël Glucksmann hopes to do well in the European elections. Will the Socialist Party make its comeback in this election?

Will Raphaël Glucksmann’s list take 2nd place in these European elections? In any case, this is what the socialist camp, allied with Place publique, is hoping for in this election. And what makes the Macronist camp led by Valérie Hayer tremble. How many seats will the French social democrats obtain in the European Parliament? Only the results of the European elections revealed Sunday evening at 8 p.m. will allow them to be determined.

The latest polls, published before Friday evening and the end of the official campaign, in any case gave the list of Raphaël Glucksmann in 3rd position, behind those of Jordan Bardella and Valérie Hayer. Credited with 13 to 14% of voting intentions, the socialist camp was allocated around 13 seats in the projections. But these barometers only indicate the general tendency of a group of voters at a given time and make no guarantee of the final result, which will only be known on Sunday evening after the vote.

Who is Raphaël Glucksmann, the head of the PS list?

For the second time in a row, the Socialist Party entered the European elections by joining forces with the Place Publique party. Which originally had the objective of unifying socialists, ecologists and communists with a view to the 2019 European elections. And as at the time, it was one of the presidents of Place publique who was chosen for to be the head of the list: Raphaël Glucksmann. With his party, the essayist and trained journalist defends a social-democratic, social-ecological and pro-European program.

What is the list of PS candidates for the European elections?

The candidate of the PS and Place publique was among the first to reveal his entire list with 81 names. This list was made official by the Ministry of the Interior and has around twenty representatives from the Place publique formation and is for the rest essentially made up of socialist candidates.

  • Raphaël GlucksmannMEP since 2019
  • Nora MebarekMEP since 2020
  • Pierre Jouvet
  • Aurore LalucqMEP since 2019
  • Christophe ClergeauMEP since 2023
  • Murielle Laurent
  • Jean-Marc Germain
  • Emma Rafowicz
  • Thomas Pellerin-Carlin
  • Chloe Ridel
  • Eric Sargiacomo
  • Claire Fita
  • François Kalfon
  • Sarah Kerrich
  • Daniel Guiraud
  • Frédérique Bonnard Le Floch
  • Victor Lachenait
  • Dieynaba Diop
  • Olivier Nicolas
  • Temanuata Girard
  • Adrien Naizet
  • Sybille Douvillez
  • Dylan Boutiflat
  • Céline Geissmann
  • Frédéric Monteil
  • Gulsen Yildirim
  • Stéphane Ravacley
  • Nathalie Lanzi
  • Arnaud Payen
  • Beatrice Bellay
  • Lucas Peyre
  • Iona Huthwohl
  • Jean Mallot
  • Rita Maalouf
  • Alix Soler-Alcaraz
  • Laurence Duffaud
  • Thierry Godard
  • Cecilia Gondard
  • Thiébaut Weber
  • Jennifer de Temmerman
  • Thomas Fromentin
  • Claire Cabanel
  • Justin Amiot
  • Violaine Gillet
  • Christophe Estève
  • Sadia Hadj-Abdelkader
  • João Martins-Pereira
  • Christine Courade
  • Charles Silvain
  • Ninuwé Descamps
  • Hugo Sajhau
  • Stephanie Anfray
  • Andy Issamba
  • Kenza Athanasopoulos
  • Hicham Boujlilat
  • Charlotte Picard
  • Yannick Rolland
  • Marie-Laure Cuvelier
  • Paul Cruz
  • Laura Quignard
  • Flavien Cartier
  • Lola Chavernac
  • Frédéric Vermeulin
  • Claire Reboisson
  • Victor Certain
  • Clemence Thomasson
  • William Laurent
  • Marie Cavalié Noua
  • Nicolas Touron
  • Véronique Fouchecourt
  • Thierry Coulombel
  • Vanessa Cros
  • Aubin Verilhac
  • Colette Capdevielle
  • Frédéric Orain
  • Anaita David
  • Eliott Boulais-Rivière
  • Beatrice Hakni Robin
  • Quentin Lagallarde
  • Joëlle Marie-Reine
  • Jean-Paul Jeandon

How many eligible candidates according to the poll results?

A list must obtain at least 5% of the votes in the European elections to see some of its candidates elected. The number of people elected out of the 81 candidates present on the lists of each party is proportional to the result obtained on election day. A minimum of 5% gets 4 seats, 10% gets 8 seats, etc.

The projections of the European Parliament carried out before Friday evening and the closing of the official campaign, awarded Raphaël Glucksmann around 13 seats. This is more than the number of candidates who were elected from his list during the previous elections. Please note that poll results and projections are only forecasts representing voting trends at a given time and cannot be understood as reliable predictions.
