Provocative mix of sex & violence by legendary scandal director

Provocative mix of sex violence by legendary scandal director

With classics like Starship Troopers and Basic Instinct, Paul Verhoeven has repeatedly caused scandals in his decades-long directing career. The filmmaker then returned last year with Benedetta, with whom the 84-year-old not tired at all has become.

The film about the lesbian love affair of two nuns in the 17th century is typical Verhoeven material that the director usual provocative with sex and violence turned. You can now stream the film on Amazon Prime by subscribing. *

Watch the German trailer for Benedetta here:

Benedetta – Trailer (German) HD

With Benedetta, Paul Verhoeven takes on the Catholic Church

In the plot of the film, the nun Benedetta (Virginie Efira) is set in 17th-century Italy by disturbing visions haunted. In addition to erotic dreams with Jesus Christ, she wakes up with bleeding hands and a bloody forehead. A fellow sister (Daphne Patakia) of the monastery rushes to her aid, with whom she secretly begins an affair.

For Benedetta, Verhoeven has chosen the Catholic Church to use her as a exploitative institution to demonstrate that is only interested in internal power structures. With Benedetta, the director has a strong protagonist at his side who uses her inexplicable strength to gradually rise to the top of the religious community.

As always with Verhoeven, there is a large portion of sex and violence, which is mainly caused by the bizarre visions with a Jesus in a hippie look or by a Marian figure that is just converted into a wooden dildo.

The Batgirl disaster is the end of the streaming golden age

We’ll probably never see the $90 million Batgirl movie starring Leslie Grace, Michael Keaton and Brendan Fraser. It’s a shame for all DC fans. But there is a much larger development behind it.

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Have you already seen Benedetta or do you still want to see the film?
