Listowel Memorial Hospital Will Be Getting Provincial Funding for Critical Upgrades and Repair, Thush exactly How Much Remains Uncetain.

Listowel Memorial Hospital Will Be Getting Provincial Funding for Critical Upgrades and Repair, Thush exactly How Much Remains Uncetain.
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“Listowel and North Perth Have Experienced Significant Growth Over the Past Few Years, and Our Provincial Government Will Be there to make the necessary Investments to Modernize and Expand Our Local Hospital,” Perth-Wellington MPP MPP Matthew Rae Said in a media release . “Together, we can continue to build a strong health-care system, Ensting more services Are Offred Close to Home.”
Rae, Speaking on Behalf of Sylvia Jones, Ontario’s Minster of Health, Said the Investment – Part of A Flurry of Provincial Funding Announcements This Week – Will Support Planning to Upgrade Aging Infrastructure in the Hospital’s Inpatient and Support Service Areas, and it will support The Expansion of Emergency and Ambulatory Care Services.
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This expansion will ensure the Hospital is Better equipped to deliver high-quality care in the region by INCREASING PATIENT CAPACITY, ENHANCING EMERGENCY SERVICES AND REDUDING WAIT TIMES, RAE SAID.
The minister is working with listowel Memorial Hospital to Complete Early Planning for this Project, and a Schedule Will Be Developed Once Early Planning is completed.
The Amount of Funding Provided by the Province is unknown since the project must undergo a bidding process, a representative from rae’s office Said.
“Our government is Making Record Investments to Modernize and Expand Hospitals Across the Province to Connect People of All Ages to the Care They Need, No Matter where they live,” Said Jones, who is also the deputy first. “Through the renovation and expansion of listowel Memorial Hospital, our goverment is tooing another step to better meet the needs of the community’s growing population, Providing Access to High-Quality Care, Close to Home, For Years to Com.”
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Esther Millar, The Listowel Wingham Hospitals Alliance President and Chief Executive Officer, Said the Organization is “Deeply Grateful for the Generous Funding to Support Planning to Expand and Modernize Our Hospital.”
: This crucial investment will enable us to provide high-quality, state-of-the-art care to the growing population of north perth and surrounding areas. Growth Which has been result in care needs that have been overpassed what our current facilities were designed for, Making this expansion an essential first first step towards meeting the health-heart Needs of our community. It also represents in Key Milestone in Helping Ontario Build its Capacity to Meet Health-Care Needs Into the Future, ”Millar Added.
Stacey Ash, The Listowel-Wingham Alliance’s Board Chair, Said the Hospital Must Keep Pace with the Growth and Changes in the Community.
“This important investment annouded today will set the foundation for the future of health care in our community,” she said.