Province bumps up funding for new Woodstock school by $8M

Province bumps up funding for new Woodstock school by 8M

Not yet even built, a planned Woodstock elementary school will be able to house 200 more pupils because of an $8 million boost in provincial funding announced Friday.

Not yet even built, a planned Woodstock elementary school will be able to house 200 more pupils because of an $8 million boost in provincial funding announced Friday.

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The additional funding means the Thames Valley District school board’s new elementary school in north Woodstock will have room for 856 pupils, an increase from the initial total of 660director of education Mark Fisher said.”Thames Valley looks forward to enhancing our ability to support Oxford County students and families,” he said in a release.

The board will receive provincial funding of $25.6 million for the school expected to open in September 2026.

The school will have a five-room child care center with room for 10 infants, 30 toddlers and 48 preschoolers.

“This investment will ensure families and students have access to a quality learning environment in the years ahead,” said Ernie Hardeman, Progressive Conservative MPP for Oxford.

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The board’s announcement of additional funding for the Woodstock school follows its annoucement Monday that enrollment at White Oaks elementary school in south London is being capped because of a rapid increase in the number of families in the area.

Only siblings of current students at the school will be allowed to register, the board said.

The enrollment cap doesn’t affect families who registered their children before June 30. Pupils who registered after July 1 can attend Nicholas Wilson elementary school on Osgoode Drive, with transportation provided.

Families also have the option to complete an out-of-area exemption request for another school where there is space available, the board said. Transportation will not be provided in that case.

  1. Vince Romeo, education director of the London District Catholic school board.  (London Free Press file photo)

    $9.5M expansion of Woodstock school will add classes, childcare center

  2. Thames Valley District school board headquarters

    North Woodstock getting $17.6M elementary school: Queen’s Park


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