Proven: Native walnuts are healthier

The statement of Walnut Producers Association Co-chair Ömer Ergüder, who wants to create the perception of local walnuts in consumers and states that domestic walnuts are of higher quality than imported walnuts, has been scientifically proven. The researches made; Stating that the contents of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium are generally higher in domestic products than in foreign products, Istinye University Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Lecturer. See. Elif Emiroğlu said, “In order to encourage the society to domestic production; It is necessary to recommend the products that are richest in terms of nutrient content and to take into account the economics of nutrition while doing this.”

Walnut, which is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vegetable protein and fiber, has many benefits. Walnuts, which are rich in polyunsaturated fats; In addition to calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron minerals, it contains high levels of vitamin E. Our country, which has been the cradle of agriculture throughout history, is among the places where the most delicious and quality products are produced, especially walnuts.


Omer Ergüder, Co-Chair of the Walnut Producers Association (CÜD), stated that one of the aims of its establishment is to contribute to the domestic production of walnut production in Turkey. Stating that they want to make consumers prefer local walnuts, to strengthen the perception of local walnuts and to explain to consumers why domestic walnuts are better, Ergüder said, “When purchasing walnuts, some consumers pay attention to the color of the outer shell, while others buy it without paying any attention to it. But the main issue here is the quality of the walnuts. The inside of the walnut sold must not be oxidized or moldy. The consumer should be careful not to buy a very dried walnut by paying attention to the humidity rate. After the drying process, the flavor and aroma of the walnut, which is left around 8 percent, is more, which is possible in domestic production walnuts.

Also, explaining that it takes months for imported walnuts to arrive in Turkey, Ergüder said, “As a domestic producer, we deliver them from the garden to the table within 24 hours. The chemical applications (fumigation) used by our long-distance competitors in the containers they load before the weeks-long transportation processes against insect and pests (fumigation) cause the imported walnuts to lose their aroma and flavor to a certain extent. Since our domestic production can reach the table or the shop shelf in a maximum of one day from the beginning of the harvest, no chemical treatment is applied to the product.”


Istinye University Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Inst. See. Elif Emiroğlu, on the other hand, although Turkey is one of the leading countries in walnut production in the world; He explained that he is both an importer and an exporter in walnuts. Stating that meeting the food diversity required for adequate nutrition with domestic production is the basis for the principles of sustainable development goals, Lecturer. See. Emiroğlu said, “Among the most important issues that experts should pay attention to in order to encourage the society to domestic production; it is recommended to recommend the products that are richest in terms of nutrient content and to take into account the nutritional economy while doing this. Many factors, such as the climate and soil characteristics of the region where the walnut is grown, the harvest dates and the different methods used in the process, significantly affect the nutrient content of the product. According to a study examining the nutritional content of walnuts of domestic and foreign origin; It is seen that the contents of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium are generally higher in domestic products than in foreign products. Walnut, which has many positive effects on health, should be consumed by the society regularly, but due to its high energy content, it should be consumed within portion control. Effective steps should be taken to increase the consumption of domestic products, especially in walnuts,” he said.


Stating that there is evidence that walnut provides protection against Alzheimer’s disease and forgetfulness, and improvement in memory, with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, Lecturer. See. Emiroğlu stated that the evidence from animal and human studies also shows that walnut consumption can reduce the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, depression and type 2 diabetes. Instructor See. Emiroğlu said, “In the Turkish Dietary Guidelines, it is recommended to consume four walnuts a day in order to provide an adequate and balanced diet. According to the results of Turkey Nutrition and Health Survey; The rate of those who consume nuts such as walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and walnuts every day is 16.7 percent. Although studies have reported that a handful of walnuts should be consumed daily in order to have an antioxidant effect, it should not be forgotten that portion control should be provided for individuals who need weight control, considering that 100 grams of walnuts contain approximately 680 kcal of energy.

Instructor See. Elif Emiroğlu said that in addition to being consumed alone, walnuts are frequently consumed in many parts of the world because they are included in many sweet and salty recipes. Emphasizing that some recent studies have emphasized the health-promoting properties of walnuts, Emiroğlu stated that the health benefits of walnuts are generally attributed to nutritional components such as Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and dietary fiber. Instructor See. Emiroğlu, in addition to these nutritional components, walnut polyphenols, which are rich in plant sterols and especially polyphenols; He added that it provides protection against atherosclerosis, raises HDL cholesterol and strengthens the antioxidant defense system.

