Proud and Tremblants, Loïc Lantoine & Marc Nammour are in the #Live Session

Proud and Trembling… Project initiator, Marc Nammour traces the thread of this beautiful collaboration.

“I know Loic Lantoine on record since his first album. His pen is one of the few that touches me in French. We had met once on stage where we mixed his track bad worker with my text Factory at the Bataclan in support of the newspaper L’Humanité in 2010. After this memorable improvisation, we said to each other in the dressing room that it would be good to work together again one of these days…

It will therefore be eight years later and a few more albums on our respective counters. Loïc Lantoine comes to cross his verb with mine with the support of the three musicians of my group La Canaille. A musical atmosphere with urban sounds in the service of a poetic word anchored in reality. Unpublished texts written together for the occasion that will echo with what we are, what we refuse and above all what we aspire to. We share the same humanist values. The little people are our ordinary heroes. And if Loïc claims to be unsung song, what is rap if it’s not also unsung song?

We look at the world from the same vantage point, proud and trembling. Proud of our modest social origins, proud of the path traveled, proud of not giving in to stupidity or easyness, proud to live with an outstretched hand before a closed fist. And trembling because we are filled with doubts and uncertainties. Because we are in constant search and we have more questions than answers. Because we fully assume our ultra-sensitivity, our vulnerability when saying this passes for an admission of weakness. And we know that our society does not make room for the weak, it eats them. She wants us tough, strong, confident with that winning look. She likes the laughter of the victors. Here we give glory to the losers!”.

Nammour and Lantoine.

The paths

Marc Nammour founded the group Scoundrel in Montreuil in 2005. Franco-Lebanese exiled in the working-class Jura, a great lover of the texts of Aimé Césaire and Léo Ferré, aesthete eager to meet in all directions, he does not allow himself to be confined to any label and pursues a singular path in hip french hop.


Albums with La Canaille

2009: A drop of honey in a liter of lead

2011: In times of rage

2014: Nausea

2017: 11.08.73

Projects with Serge Teyssot-Gay

2014: Standing in the ropes (after Césaire)

2014: Interzone Project with Tinariwen

2014: A screaming man is not a dancing bear

Loic Lantoine

Poet, sayer, storyteller, slammer, singer, rocker, improviser, in the style of Ferré, Brel or Tom Waits, of the “song not sung”, he is the founder of the group My Punk Side and is currently touring with the 18 musicians of Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra.


With François Pierron and Les Loïc Lantoine

2004: Badaboum

2006: All is calm

2008: Attack (live)

2013: I have changed

With My Punk Side

2004: I can’t help it (EP)

2005: My punk side

Marc Nammour and Loic Lantoine.

Titles performed at the Grand studio

Proud and trembling Live RFI see the clip

people who doubt (+ sample of Anne Sylvestre)

Melody Live RFI

The Beasts Live RFI see the clip

Playlist by Loïc Lantoine and Marc Nammour

– Loic:

The Very Big Experimental Orchestra The suit, excerpt from the album God Chicken see the clip

– Mark:

Serge Teyssot Gay- Khaled Aljaramani propeller movement excerpt from the album Interzone illustration

– Loic:

Allain Leprest Rue Blondin excerpt from the album Voce a Mano see the clip.

– Mark :

The rumor The shadow on the measure excerpt from the album The Shadow on the Measure see the clip.

