protesters gather in support of Ukraine

protesters gather in support of Ukraine

While the bombardments are intensifying in the Donbass, the situation is being watched with great concern in Poland, a country bordering Ukraine which hosts more than a million Ukrainians on its soil. A rally took place this Sunday, February 20, 2022 in Warsaw in support of the Ukrainians against Russia.

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Sarah Bakaloglou

Among the crowd gathered in Warsaw’s Old Town, Alisa, 22, clutches a Ukrainian flag. The young woman arrived in Poland two years ago. “ Mentally, emotionally, we are still in Ukraine. I don’t want to see my family in danger. We are ready to support Ukrainians, to do our best to help everyone, our family, our friends. »

The young woman tries to remain optimistic. But it is not easy for her or for her family in Ukraine to find their way among all the information: “ I tend to believe our Ukrainian politicians much more, because I see manipulation sometimes on the American and Russian side. It’s much harder for my family there who don’t know who to believe. »

“There will be no free and democratic Poland without a free and democratic Ukraine”

A demonstration in which Poles also participate, worried. Bartosz Piechowicz, from the Support Committee for Ukraine: We know that there will be no free and democratic Poland without a free and democratic Ukraine. Our difficult past has proven that our countries should cooperate and support each other. Russia has always been something of a threat to our two countries and today we are in the same boat. »

Warsaw has announced that it is preparing for a possible influx of Ukrainian refugees, in case of Russian invasion by asking Polish cities to list all possible emergency accommodation.

►Also read: The United States approves the potential sale of 250 tanks to Poland
