As it is known, malnutrition causes memory loss. The foods consumed affect brain functions. Foods that enhance memory include colorful vegetables and fruits rich in flavonoids. Here are the foods that make the memory like steel…
Blueberries, strawberries and blackberries, which are rich in antioxidants, protect the brain against free radicals that cause cell damage and strengthen memory.
Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus rich in vitamin K increase brain power and improve functions such as memory and concentration.
Spinach, which contains plenty of B vitamins and folate, strengthens memory along with other leafy vegetables.
Chocolate with high cocoa content increases the release of endorphins that activate brain receptors. As endorphins increase, concentration increases and mood rises.
Since milk and dairy products contain high protein and help the development of tissues in the human body, it helps to develop focus and memory.