Protects heart health like a shield! Don’t miss the protein store on your table

Protects heart health like a shield Dont miss the protein

Among the information instilled in our brains from our childhood is that fish, a source of Omega-3, is very important for health. However, the type of fish eaten can have different effects on our health. Experts shared the effects of tuna fish on protecting heart health. Healthy Nutrition and Diet Specialist Taylan Kümeli, who suggested to make more room for tuna fish, which is a high omega-3, selenium and protein source, emphasized that consuming fish helps to protect the heart and supports immunity.


Kümeli said, “Tuna fish, which is one of the rich oily fish; It reduces the level of fat in the blood, protects it from arteriosclerosis, reduces the risk of clot formation in the veins, and supports the prevention of many health problems, from balancing our blood pressure.


Every year, the second week of April is celebrated as Heart Health Week in our country in order to prevent heart diseases and give the society healthy living habits. Healthy Nutrition and Diet Specialist Taylan Kümeli said, “A balanced diet and a lifestyle rich in physical activity help to protect the heart, which is the organ with the highest workload throughout human life.” high in fish. Tuna fish, which is a very rich type of fish in omega 3, stands out as one of the most beneficial natural protein sources for human health and low calories. Tuna fish containing minerals and vitamins such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron; Thanks to these features, it supports immunity and provides a protective effect against many diseases.

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Specialist Dietitian Taylan Kümeli also made statements about heart health and used the following statements:

“If you pay attention to your heart health, the first question you will be asked is how often you consume fish. Fish is not only a source of protein, but also has beneficial effects for the cardiovascular system thanks to the Omega-3 it contains. Research with Eskimos; It shows that the rate of heart attack is very low in people who frequently consume beneficial fats for the body.

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If you want to protect your heart health, consume tuna fish, which is a protein source and contains high levels of Omega-3, as well as the mineral selenium found only in fish grown in the clear waters of the oceans and caught by natural hunting, at least twice a week, keeping it in the most important part of your life. When tuna is consumed in a 100-gram box, it meets 47 percent of the daily protein requirement. Especially consuming tuna with olive oil at least twice a week meets the body’s need for Omega 3.

