Protects against colon cancer like steel! 5 a day feels like a cure

Protects against colon cancer like steel 5 a day feels

Colon cancer or bowel cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world. As in all other types of cancer, diet and lifestyle are among the most important issues in colon cancer. One of the most effective ways to prevent colon cancer is almonds. Studies conducted with animals have revealed that consuming almonds may be protective against colon cancer. It was emphasized that almonds also strengthen the bones.

You can protect your body effectively by eating 5 raw almonds a day. You should not exceed about 20 almonds a day. It reduces the polyphenol content of the roasted almond shell, causing a decrease in its antioxidant properties.


Has a protective effect against colon cancer

Almonds are protective against cancer, thanks to their weight control, antioxidant content and fiber content. In studies with animals, it has been stated that consuming almonds may be protective against colon cancer.


strengthens bones

Adequate consumption of calcium and magnesium is important for bone health. Consumption of almonds, especially in people who do not consume milk and yogurt or who are vegan, strengthens bones by helping to eliminate deficiencies with their magnesium and calcium content.


Good for heart health

Among the primary benefits of almonds is that it is good for heart health. In addition to the health antioxidant effect of vitamin E, the magnesium in its content also reduces the risk of heart attack. The 25 grams of almonds you will consume every day will also reduce your chances of getting heart diseases to a minimum.


Contains intense vitamins

Raw almond is one of the foods that should be in your nutrition program with its rich content. 100 grams of raw almonds contain about 20 grams of protein. It meets a significant amount of your daily needs with its potassium, calcium and iron content. It is also very high in vitamins A and C.


Effective in regulating blood sugar

Despite its low carbohydrate value, almonds, which are rich in healthy fats and protein, can also be consumed by diabetics as they have the effect of regulating blood sugar.


The magnesium in its content has a direct effect on metabolic events. One of them is to regulate blood sugar. In addition, studies have shown that 40% of people with diabetes have magnesium deficiency. Even if you do not have diabetes, your insulin resistance will decrease when you eat about 1 handful of almonds daily.

Contains high amount of iron

There is approximately 5 ng/mL of iron in 100 grams of almonds, and this amount is enough to meet a significant part of your daily needs. The iron you get from almonds increases your metabolic rate and allows your body to use oxygen more efficiently. It helps you feel more vigorous during the day while increasing your physical and mental performance.


Effective in balancing blood pressure

Hypertension; It is among the main causes of many health problems such as cerebral hemorrhage, heart attack and stroke. Research conducted by the Biomedical Research Unit of the Mexican Social Security Institute has shown that people who add almonds to their daily diet will have a serious decrease in blood pressure.

Effective in balancing cholesterol

You can add almonds to your diet to reduce the LDL (bad cholesterol) value, which is one of the most important factors that increase the risk of heart attack. In a 4-month study conducted by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, some of the subjects met 1/5 of their daily calorie intake from almonds. Other participants were fed to keep the calorie amount constant, but did not consume almonds. At the end of 4 months, the bad cholesterol of the participants who consumed almonds decreased by 12 mg/dL. An increase in good cholesterol was observed.

It is effective in gallbladder health

Almonds, which are rich in B vitamins and riboflavin, help repair tissues and reduce the possibility of gallstone formation in your body. In addition, the fibers in its content reduce the load on the gallbladder by making your digestive system work better.

Supports hair health

Vitamin E in almonds is very effective against dry and brittle hair. You can consume almonds to help your hair regain its lost shine and gain the moisture it needs. You can also apply almond oil so that it does not come to the roots of the hair.

It is rich in fiber

A significant portion of the carbohydrates in almonds originate from fiber. The long digestion process of fiber helps you stay full for a long time. It also helps keep your digestive system healthier, minimizing the risk of constipation. It makes you feel fuller during the day. (New Age)
