Prosecutors want to see long punishment for school attack

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– There are only losers in this trial, both the perpetrator and above all the plaintiffs, but also those who have witnessed the incident. It has been difficult for everyone involved, says prosecutor Pernilla Tallinger, who says that the trial has been emotional.

It was on January 10 that the now 17-year-old boy went to school with four knives in his bag and attacked another student, who was seriously injured. A teacher was also attacked and sustained minor injuries. The prosecutor sees it as an attempted murder, while the accused boy only admitted aggravated assault.

“A cry for help”

During the trial, which was held behind closed doors, the 17-year-old said that he was remorseful and stuck to the explanation that the stabbing should be seen as a cry for help.

– He has felt mentally very bad and it was basically a cry for help. He has not felt seen and thinks that he has been able to get the help he has been in dire need of, says defense attorney Björn Attnarsson.

The lawyer considers one and a half years of closed youth care to be a reasonable punishment, if the district court finds him guilty of everything he has been charged with – three attempted murders and two serious unlawful threats.

If, on the other hand, the district court considers that he should be convicted of what he has admitted, two cases of aggravated assault, Björn Attnarsson believes that the sentence can already be considered served because he has been in custody for so long.

Furthermore, the lawyer demands that the 17-year-old be released from custody pending the verdict. In that part, Kristianstad District Court makes a decision in the afternoon.

“Fascination with school attacks”

Prosecutor Pernilla Tallinger, on the other hand, believes that there is a risk that he would flee if he was released from custody. She also believes that there would be a risk that he would commit new crimes.

– I mean that there is a great fascination for school attacks and his criminal plan is not fulfilled, so therefore there is a risk of continued crime.
