Prosecutor: Voislav Torden is a war criminal and held in detained, life -long only possible punishment | Homeland

Prosecutor Voislav Torden is a war criminal and held in

Russian Voislav Torden is charged with a total of five war crimes.

The prosecutor said in his final statement that numerous picture and video evidence and the reported by the surviving Ukrainian soldiers show Voislav Torden, 38, guilt.

On Thursday, the prosecutor repeated his claim for a life imprisonment for a Russian man accused of war crimes in his end -of -date in the Helsinki District Court.

Torden is accused of a total of five war crimes in trial, which has been sitting at the district of the first week in the first week. Specialist Lilja limingo Said on Thursday that the display shows Tordden’s guilt to each of the charges.

According to the prosecutor, Tormen was the assistant chief of the Russian spouse in the Russian-like Rutsh fighter, which was ambushed to Ukrainian collapse in eastern Ukraine on 5 September 2014.

According to the prosecutor, there were 26 soldiers in the column, of which the group killed 22.

In addition to the written evidence, the court heard four surviving Ukrainian soldiers and one witness. They told, among other things, about killing the wounded and recognized Torden as one of the factors.

Torden’s defense will hold its final talk on Friday.

Prosecutor: Lifetime The only option

According to the prosecutor, the Rutsh Group cheated on the column to stop at the inspection point by holding the Ukrainian flag, after which the group opened the fire towards the Ukrainian soldiers and fired a thermal rocket.

According to the prosecutor, Tormen allowed the fighters to cut the symbol of the group to the wounded Ukrainian soldier in the cheek and posed with a degrading Ukrainian soldier’s body in a picture published online. Tormen also took pictures of another RutiSh manager posing in front of the body, says the prosecutor.

Tormen was caught at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport in July 2023. He has denied all charges.

According to the Criminal Code, a war crime may be imposed at least one year or a maximum of life.

“According to the prosecutor’s view, all the prosecution has been shown and must be sentenced to punishment and can be nothing more than a life imprisonment,” Limingoja said.

The prosecutor also insists that Tordden should be held in custody until the judgment.
