Prosecutor charged – suspected of leaking information about murder

A prosecutor who is a cousin of the gang leader Ismail “Snowman” Abdo is suspected of having leaked secret information, including about a murder.
Now she is being prosecuted, reports
The Express.
According to the indictment, she must have passed the information on to relatives.

According to Expressen, the indictment revolves around two alleged incidents.

According to the indictment, in July of last year, the prosecutor allegedly took a photo of a computer screen with information on which it appeared that a certain person was suspected of serious weapons offences. She must have forwarded the picture to outsiders.

The second case concerns a murder investigation where she herself was the lead investigator. According to the indictment, she allegedly leaked secret information about the investigation in several text messages to outsiders, among other things about how the murder allegedly took place.

“Ventilate one’s perception”

In both cases, the woman admits that the prosecutor’s description of the course of events is correct, but denies any crime.

“Disputes responsibility and claims that the purpose was only to ventilate to relatives his opinion about the circumstances of the murder,” it says in the lawsuit that Expressen has seen.

Among the evidence against the woman are excerpts from chats.

The criminal classification is breach of confidentiality, which carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison. If the crime is deemed serious, the sentence must be between six months and four years in prison.

Still working

The woman should not have shared the information directly with Ismail Abdo, but with other relatives, according to information to Expressen.

At her workplace, colleagues are said to have reacted with “dismay” to the information that the prosecutor is facing charges. She has been reassigned but worked at the Prosecutor’s Office at the latest on Monday, i.e. the same day that the indictment against her came.
