Prosecutions have triggered retaliation

It has exploded in several places in the country in the last 24 hours.
According to the police, it is a result of several preliminary investigations concerning crimes in the gang environment becoming public.
– We see that this is a pattern in some kind of revenge spiral when charges are brought, says national police chief Petra Lundh.

The explosions of the last 24 hours are a result of several preliminary investigations concerning crimes in the gang environment becoming public. That’s what the police believe, who fear retaliation when anyone can see personal data linked to the crimes:

– When charges are brought, which prosecutors are now doing to a completely different extent, the preliminary investigation becomes public. It triggers both revenge actions and threats, says national police chief Petra Lundh.

Several explosions in the last 24 hours

Last night there was an explosion in a stairwell in Farsta south of Stockholm. According to information to Aftonbladet, a 14-year-old has been arrested for the explosion and a person with a criminal background lives in the house.

Last night it blew up in two different places in Västra Frölunda in Gothenburg within the space of a few minutes. The night before yesterday it was small in Fagersjö and Lidingö in Stockholm, criminals are written on both addresses.

– The public should feel secure that we are doing everything we can and that we will gradually investigate and arrest and the people will be arrested and prosecuted, says the national police chief.
