Promotica, orders for 9 million euros from Coop

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(Finance) – Promotica company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and a loyalty agency specialized in the creation of marketing solutions to increase sales, loyalty and brand advocacy, has obtained an order worth over 5 million euros for Coop Alliance 3.0 and one of 4 million euros for Unicoop Florencefor a total of over 9 million euros. The two operations, which lasted until August, renew Promotica’s collaboration with the associates of the Coop brand. Since 2011, the company has established long-term relationships with cooperatives, and today Coop Italia is, through its associates, Promotica’s main customer.

“We cross the mid-year milestone with the launch of two important orders for the promotional activities of the Coop Italia brands, historically our main reference customer – commented theCEO Diego Toscani – After the turning point at the beginning of the year with the “Ariapaerta” campaign for Coop Italia, which for the first time allowed us to obtain national recognition for our collaboration with Coop, our loyalty proposal for territorial brands continues successfully of the cooperative system “.
