Promotica, assembly approves financial statements and useful allocation

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(Finance) – The assembly of the shareholders of Promotica company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and a loyalty agency specialized in the creation of marketing solutions to increase sales, loyalty and brand advocacy, has approved the budget financial year as at 31 December 2021 and the proposal of the BoD of attribute the result for the year equal to € 1,223,397.97, as follows: € 699.89 to the legal reserve, thus reaching one fifth of the share capital; 51,701.68 euros to the reserve for unrealized exchange gains; 1,170,996.40 euros to the extraordinary reserve.

The shareholders appointed the board of statutory auditors for the financial years 2022-2024 and resolved to confer on the auditing firm Ria Grant Thornton the statutory audit of the financial statements for the financial years 2022-2024 (including the consolidated half-yearly reports).
