Promising result in the first round, re-elected on Sunday?

Promising result in the first round re elected on Sunday

David Guiraud is running for re-election in the 8th constituency of the North. After a good result this Sunday, the rebel is the favorite in the second round of the legislative elections.

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David Guiraud did not have to tremble in this first round of the legislative elections. The outgoing deputy of La France insoumise, reinvested by the New Popular Front, took the lead in the vote on Sunday, in the 8th constituency of the North. With his result of 48.50%, he is a few lengths ahead of his opponent from the National Rally, Ethan Leys (30.80%). However, the latter was supposed to benefit from the absence of LR or Reconquête candidates in the constituency. Nothing to worry David Guiraud about.

The rebel has a 6,000-vote lead, that is, those of Tarik Mekki’s voters (16.07%), candidate of the presidential coalition. The transfer of these votes should therefore be decisive. David Guiraud will try to approach his good result of 2022, when he collected 59.94% of the votes cast in the second round of the legislative elections, then facing a Macronist candidate.

Much controversy surrounding David Guiraud

The result of the legislative elections in the 8th constituency of the North will be closely scrutinized by La France insoumise. David Guiraud has been much talked about in recent months, through his commitment to the cause of the Palestinian people and against the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu. The subject of several controversies, he was the subject of a complaint from the Jewish Observatory of France for “apology for terrorism and incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence”, facts that he denies.

He notably made headlines during an altercation in the Assembly. On May 28, the rebellious deputy Sébastien Delogu brandished a Palestinian flag in the National Assembly, triggering a heated controversy. While David Guiraud defended his comrade’s action in front of the press as he left the chamber, the deputy Meyer Habib, a fervent defender of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, challenged him. “Get out of here, go away,” David Guiraud retorted. “Who are you talking to? We didn’t raise pigs together, so show some respect,” Meyer Habib replied. “You’re the pig! You’re in the mud of genocide,” the rebellious man got angry. “This man is a pig,” Guiraud repeated to the press. “Rotten, go!” Habib shouted.
