Project Starline signed by Google will be opened to the corporate field

Project Starline signed by Google will be opened to the

Google signed Project Starline will be opened to the corporate field. The company has partnered with HP, one of the world giants, in this regard. case.

Google signed development project Project Starline, A three-dimensional interview infrastructure for those who have not seen it before. The system adds a third dimension to classic video calls, so remote video calls can be made as if there was a real person on the other end. The system, which was very large when it was first shown, was made smaller with its latest version, which you can see in the video above. As far as Google says, the new version is based on an advanced artificial intelligence system, so people can be rendered three-dimensional using standard cameras. Stating that they previously needed a large number of cameras and sensors and that they managed to eliminate this with artificial intelligence. Googlethe latest prototype version of the system in real operating conditions (Based on T-Mobile, Salesforce and WeWork) had been testing it for a long time. Everyone who has the chance to use the system is very impressed by the experience offered, Today, news of a commercial step is announced. The system is currently made to work on the basis of Google Meet and Zoom. It will be commercialized with HP support and will be used primarily in the corporate field. HP on this subject, “We are proud to partner with Google to bring this technology to market.” He says, but does not give a clear date for now.


Before, “Project Starline helps create more personal connections across distances” said the internet giant, He states that he will give more information about the system at the end of the year.. At this stage, personal use of this system outside of business areas is still unlikely. By the way, not only Google is working on this interesting infrastructure. The name that announced that it would participate in this competition last year Logitech had happened. before us Project Ghost The giant hardware manufacturer released details Here Like Google, it is actively testing the system we have included.
