progress, innovation, work… A look back at his speech on video!

progress innovation work A look back at his speech on

MACRON SPEECH. During his speech at the Porte de Versailles after his qualification for the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron succinctly evoked several key themes such as innovation and women’s rights, projecting himself towards the campaign of the in-between- rounds against Marine Le Pen.

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[Mis à jour le 10 avril 2022 à 23h25] After qualifying for the second round of the 2022 presidential election with 28.5% voices, Emmanuel Macron spoke this Sunday April 10 in the evening from the Porte de Versailles in front of LREM sympathizers. Appearing with a broad smile, the candidate for his own succession told his constituents: “Your trust honors me, obliges me and commits me (…) I also want to thank those who have given so much in recent years. I know what I owe you, thank you“. Before thanking the various candidates who called to vote in his favor such as Yannick Jadot or Anne Hidalgo. Emmanuel Macron also spoke about the future of France: “Nothing should be like before. I want to reach out to anyone who wants to work for France. (…) I am ready to invent something new to bring together.“Finally, before starting his campaign between two rounds, Emmanuel Macron added that the fight to come was “decisive for Europe and that nothing was settled.“It should be noted that an Elabe poll for BFMTV reveals that at this stage of the campaign, Emmanuel Macron (LREM) would win in the second round against Marine Le Pen (RN) 52% versus 48%.

Do we want a France which through full employment is capable of financing our school, our hospital and our public service?“Emmanuel Macron spoke a lot about the progress that would be one of his pillars in the event of re-election on April 24, with women’s rights at the forefront. Finally, the current Head of State made a point of recalling that destiny of France and Europe will have to remain linked Emmanuel Macron (28.5%) votes in the first round of the 2022 presidential election and therefore improves its 2017 score, according to the Elabe Institute and qualifies for the second round on April 24 against the candidate of National Gathering, Marine Le Pen. Remember that the candidate The Republicans Valérie Pécresse announced that she would vote for Emmanuel Macron. This information remains to be distinguished from a real call to vote in favor of Emmanuel Macron for his supporters.

Emmanuel Macron offered a speech full of ambition and promise to his supporters during his speech at Porte de Versailles this Sunday, April 10 after his qualification for the second round of the presidential election. He will be opposed to Marine Le Pen on April 24. Innovation, progress, the greatness of France, work and women’s rights were briefly discussed during this fifteen-minute speech in front of a fairly noisy crowd. “I will put all my strength into convincing everyone that the only project for purchasing power is ours, the workers, for those who still have a long way to go, it is ours. I believe in our, in all of us, whatever our background, our opinions, our beliefs. All of us, this is France” he said in particular.

Emmanuel Macron held a large meeting on April 2, 2022 in the hall of La Défense Arena near Paris, presented as the “largest hall in Europe” by the outgoing president and transformed into “MacronArena”. In front of his activists and supporters, Emmanuel Macron unfolded his program and largely devoted his speech to the study and affirmation of his record. “It was our project and it is now our assessment, we have done it”, he chanted in particular after citing the obligation of schooling from the age of 6, “the one-euro meal for students” , the “Culture Pass” or “PMA for all”. Emmanuel Macron then presented several points of his program such as the tripling of the Macron bonus or a revaluation for the self-employed. In a speech visibly more left-oriented than when launching his campaign, Emmanuel Macron gave a large place to health, returning to the ORPEA scandal in nursing homes. “Their lives are worth more than all the profits”, he assured in particular about the elders in a quote close to the slogan of the NPA, which did not fail to underline the candidate Philippe Poutou. “I will never resolve that we can save money on the most precarious, most modest French people” he also slipped.

Among the other highlights of this speech, the candidate LREM reiterated his wish to launch “a major school project” with “a strengthening of” theteaching of fundamental knowledge, French, mathematics, up to the baccalaureate. I know that the system will tell us that it is impossible (…) but as it is impossible, we will do it because we have already done it”, he then assured. Emmanuel Macron also defended his project pension reform with a gradual postponement of the legal retirement age set at 65. “There is no welfare state if there is no strong productive state. We will not regain control of our lives, of progress if there is not all that, so I assume, yes, to tell you that we will have to work more.” The outgoing president concluded with a call for the mobilization and alerted to the danger of the push of the extremes. “It is the fight of progress against the withdrawal, the fight of patriotism and Europe against the nationalists”, he concluded.

Thursday March 17, 2022, the president-candidate gave a rather special speech since it was about the presentation of his program for the next five years, he who aspires to keep his place at the Elysium. After detailing the various measures he wishes to implement, Emmanuel Macron answered several questions from journalists. The opportunity for the candidate to draw the path he wants the country to take.

From Seine-Saint-Denis, Emmanuel Macron spoke for an hour and a half to defend his record but also to give a guideline more or less similar to that enacted five years ago when he passed from Minister of Finance pretender to the supreme office. Despite a long and detailed speech, Emmanuel Macron indicated in the preamble not to be exhaustive and not to deal with his entire program (the details can be found here), but to present the crucial points.
