Program of the New Popular Front: the 6 main measures

Program of the New Popular Front the 6 main measures

Increase in purchasing power, education, reduction in energy bills, Ukraine, Gaza, environment… The new Popular Front agreed in just 4 days on a unique program, of which here are the main measures.

Following the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, the left-wing parties – France Insoumise (LFI), the Socialist Party (PS), Europe-Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) and the Communist Party (PC) – joined quickly united for the creation of a “New Popular Front”. In just four days, they managed to agree on a political program for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024.

This program intends to counter, both in substance and at the polls, the National Rally, which emerged as the big winner during the European elections of June 9, but also to create a break with the economic policy pursued for seven years by the presidential party.

The program of the New Popular Front includes more than 150 measures, divided into three stages of action:

  • The first 15 days: the breakup. During this period, the left-wing union promises to “respond to the social emergency, the climate challenge, the repair of public services, a path to appeasement in France and in the world”
  • The first 100 days: the summer of bifurcations with the creation of major laws for purchasing power, health, education, but also beginning “ecological planning”, fighting “against all forms of racism, against ‘anti-Semitism and Islamophobia’ and ‘abolish the privileges of billionaires.
  • The following months: transformations

What are the main measures that will be taken by the New Popular Front in the event of victory in the legislative elections?

The increase in purchasing power, an issue for the New Popular Front

The New Popular Front aims to “respond to the emergencies which damage the lives and confidence of the French people”. Among the measures that should be put in place if the left grouping wins, we find:

  • The increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net;
  • The increase in the old age minimum to the level of the poverty line;
  • The increase in intern compensation;
  • The increase in salaries of apprentices and work-study students;
  • The indexation of salaries to inflation;
  • The increase in the AAH at the level of the SMIC;
  • The 10% increase in APL
  • Price blocking for basic necessities: food, energy, fuel. The New Popular Front wishes to do so “by decree”, within the first 15 days

Measures to reduce energy bills

  • Removal of the 10% tax on energy bills;
  • Cancellation of the planned gas increase;
  • Free first KwH of electricity;
  • But also the end of electricity and gas cuts.

Pensions, a flagship measure of the New Popular Front program

The New Popular Front makes it a priority.

  • Repeal of the pension reform;
  • Return to retirement at age 60;
  • Restore the hardship factors;
  • Take the RSA into account when calculating the quarters;
  • Index the amount of pensions to salaries;
  • The establishment of contributions on overtime, dividends, participation, employee savings or even share buybacks;
  • The gradual increase in old-age contributions;
  • A modulation of employer social contributions;
  • The creation of an additional contribution for retirement on high salaries.

Measures for education

  • Towards completely free schooling (canteen, supplies, transport, extracurriculars);
  • Enrollment of 19 students maximum per class;
  • Meals for 1 euro at Crous.
  • Abolish Parcoursup.

On the international level, an agreement reached: “the urgency of peace”

The left alliance was eagerly awaited on international issues. They took a position on the two delicate subjects which are Ukraine and Israel/Gaza with the main measures:

  • Maintain arms deliveries to Ukraine;
  • Defend the sovereignty of the Ukrainian people;
  • “Act for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza” and put an end to the “culpable support” of the “French government for Netanyahu’s far-right supremacist government.”
  • Help for “the release of hostages held since the Hamas terrorist massacres”, but also for the release of Palestinian political prisoners.
  • Recognize the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel on the basis of UN resolutions;
  • Provide for sanctions against the far-right government of Benjamin Netanyahu, as long as it does not respect international law in Gaza and the West Bank.

Measures for the environment

Ecology is also an important point of the program presented by the new alliance. On this point, the New Popular Front has planned several measures in its program with:

  • A moratorium on mega-basins;
  • A new climate law;
  • The establishment of the green rule (do not take more from nature than it can replenish);
  • Accelerating the renovation of public buildings;
  • Strengthening French and European renewable energy production sectors;
  • Or the refusal of the merger of ASN and IRSN and the privatization of hydroelectric dams.

The objective of the left union is clearly announced: aim for carbon neutrality in 2050.
