Program of the National Rally (RN) for the legislative elections: the main measures revealed

1718975814 Program of the National Rally RN for the legislative elections

While awaiting the presentation of the National Rally (RN) program on June 24, the far-right party has already outlined the main guidelines concerning purchasing power, immigration, security and even housing. .

A few days before the legislative elections, the National Rally (RN) has not yet revealed its complete program. This should be presented on June 24. In the meantime, Jordan Bardella, the president of the party, revealed to our colleagues from Le Parisien the first guidelines of the program for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024. The watchword: emergency measures first , reforms will come next. If the far-right party emerged as the big winner in the European elections, this time it will have to face a stronger and more united left. The stakes are very high for the party, which could come to power if it obtains a majority in the national assembly.

The race against time is on! To defend its place, the RN assures its voters that it wants to respond to their “demand for order” and put France’s economic situation back on its feet. The president of the RN has outlined a road map on the measures that will be taken if his party comes to power following the legislative elections. The latter revolves around “three major emergencies: purchasing power with the reduction in VAT on energy, security and immigration”. Secondly, the party will look into the question of pensions.

Measures in favor of the purchasing power of the French

  • VAT at 5.5 on energy. Among the priority measures, Jordan Bardella undertakes to immediately lower VAT to 5.5% instead of 20% on fuel, electricity, gas and fuel oil to restore the purchasing power of the French if it becomes Prime Minister, starting this summer.
  • Concerning the reduction in VAT on 100 essential products, Jordan Bardelle affirmed, without giving details, “that it will be done in a second phase”.
  • Reduce the electricity bill by 30% by “immediately” launching negotiations with the European Commission to waive electricity pricing rules.
  • Concerning health, the RN wishes this summer to “strengthen the health offer throughout the territory”. To achieve this, the party counts exempt all doctors with combined employment and retirement from income tax.

Immigration and border control, a priority

Jordan Bardella pulls no punches and announces on BFMTV that if he becomes Prime Minister after the legislative elections, he will make “the question of immigration and border control” one of his “priorities”, and will submit to the National Assembly an “emergency law” on immigration. The objective of this law: to remove land law, “to facilitate the expulsions of foreign Islamist delinquents and criminals by lifting administrative constraints”.

A security law will be presented

The president of the National Rally wants to restore order in the country. “In terms of penal policy and security policy, it is time to signal the end of recess,” he said on BFMTV. Among the measures that could be put in place:

  • The reestablishment of “lower” penalties in matters of narcotics and attacks on persons holding public authority, “from the first weeks in the event of victory”;
  • The abolition of allowances for parents of repeat minors;
  • The ban on obtaining social housing in the event of a “criminal record as long as your arm”.

Housing, one of the emergencies for the National Rally

  • Abandonment of the ban on renting housing considered as “thermal sieves” (from January 1, 2025 for housing with a DPE G and from January 1, 2028 for those with a DPE F) provided for in the Climate and Resilience law . This measure would be taken this summer with the aim of relaunching the rental market.
  • The DPE would still be maintained as a tool for measuring the energy performance of housing, among other things for carrying out energy renovation work.
  • Social housing will be reserved for French nationals. This measure will not be taken immediately, but it is already planned for later.
  • Repeal of the IFI (real estate wealth tax).
  • Return of IFS (wealth tax).
  • Review, or even abandon the objective of achieving zero net land artificialization or ZAN by 2050. According to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, land artificialization is a phenomenon which consists of “transforming natural, agricultural or forestry soil, through development operations which may result in partial or total waterproofing, in order to allocate them in particular to urban or transport functions (housing, activities, businesses, infrastructure, public facilities, etc.)”. According to the RN, this ban on concrete flooring is counterproductive and prevents the construction of new housing and the installation of businesses.

Retirement at 60, not for now

Marine Le Pen had promised retirement at age 60 in 2022. If the RN emerges victorious in the legislative elections, we will have to wait a little longer to be able to retire at 60, and that will not concern everyone. Jordan Bardella’s government will look into the question of pensions, returning to a retirement age of 60 years later, in the fall. The measure taken: the pure and simple repeal of the pension reform. The RN also plans to bring forward retirement to 60 for “those who started working before the age of 20” and who have contributed 40 years.
