Professors critical of Karolinska University Hospital

“Karolinska’s GDR-like management must be replaced”, writes KI professors Hugo Lagercrantz and Magnus Westgren in DN, where they accuse the hospital of monitoring the staff’s e-mail.
– It reminds of this letter censorship they had in East Germany, says Hugo Lagercrantz to TV4 Nyheterna.

In a debate article in Dagens Nyhetersigned by Hugo Lagercrantz and Magnus Westgren, both of whom hold the title of professor emeritus at the Karolinska Institute, presents a sour criticism of the Karolinska University Hospital.

In the text, which is based on several dismissals and suspensions of hospital staff that have taken place recently, emphasis is placed on management having reviewed e-mail messages to and from employees. Something they resemble with “GDR methods”.

– The criticism that we primarily make is that our correspondence is checked, says Hugo Lagercrantz.

– It is in and of itself public because the Karolinska Institute is a state authority, but we still think it is very remarkable that people are snooping in our e-mail – which of course contains a certain amount of criticism. It’s reminiscent of this letter censorship they had in East Germany.

Karolinska is investigating the matter

The two professors are “very critical” of the management, and believe that it must be investigated.

– The board must get a handle on this. There have been many control authorities within the hospital and lawyers. Those who really devote themselves to healthcare and so on are far down the hierarchy. says Hugo Lagerctrantz.

But Göran Stiernstedt, who is chairman of the board at Karolinska University Hospital, believes that the criticism is relevant, but that it is not new, and that the hospital will act.

– The management’s management is ongoing and reviewed, and is reviewed externally. And that report, which showed that there were no formal reasons, contains a lot of criticism that I need to discuss with those closest to me, he says, adding that a new hospital director is also being recruited:

– And that in itself means a form of new management.
