Professor: You should be worried about how people can use AI

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Artificial intelligence is almost everywhere without you even noticing it. With free software, for example, anyone can ask the computer to write a short story or take care of a school assignment. Some consider smart and agile, while others consider the development of AI to be terrifying. Among other things, several successful researchers have expressed concern about how artificial intelligence continues to develop and believe that AI may pose a danger to humanity in the future.

– I think you should take the big questions seriously, but also remember that the AI ​​we see today is not close to becoming self-aware and making its own decisions beyond our control, says DN’s tech editor Linus Larsson in Aktuellt.

SVT’s reporter has met Hedvig Kjellström, one of Sweden’s foremost experts on artificial intelligence. She believes that there are other and more urgent aspects to be concerned about when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence.

– You should be more immediately worried about what people can do with the help of algorithms like this. There are countries in the world where systems have been put in place to monitor the population using AI.

See the feature on artificial intelligence in the clip above.
