Professor warned: “There is a serious increase in cases” attention! It can go to death if not treated

For the first time in the USA since 2017 bird

Increasingly in the size of the epidemic in recent days pneumonia Saying that they started to see patients, chest diseases specialist. Dr. Şevket Özkaya, especially warned young people. Prof. Dr. Sevket Ozkaya, “Pneumonia caught and outpatient treated in patients with the death rate of 5 pneumonia, while the hospital treated in the hospital, almost 1 patient in the patients who require intensive care support in patients with almost 10 patients. Sudden and sweating movements to be exposed to water.

“We started to see rapidly increasing epidemics”

Şevket Özkaya said:

“Flu and other viruses, bacteria infected by respiratory and cold weather are the biggest risk factors for us to be pneumonia. However, although our immune system protects us from being pneumonia, we have recently seen that this protection has decreased and there is a significant increase in pneumonia cases.

It can go to death if not treated

Recently, it is very easy to get sick and we started to be very easy to go down to our lungs. Pneumonia is a disease that can be treated and causes complications to death if not treated. These bacteria and microorganisms make us sick when our immune system is weakened.

Pay attention to especially after the flu

Especially after the flu is the weakest period for pneumonia. In addition, the sudden cooling and warming of the weather negatively affects your body’s immune system. In our patients watching prolonged flu and cough, we see iced glass areas that can be overlooked on lung graphs but we see in the early days of Kovid-19 in the lung.

This table supports viral pneumonia together and we see pneumonia areas in detailed films in many patients. After every flu and viral diseases, we started to see pneumonia outbreaks with rapidly increasing number in society. “

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