Professor killed in Saint-Jean-de-Luz: the teenager in detention?

Professor killed in Saint Jean de Luz the teenager in detention

Two days after the terrible at the Saint-Thomas d’Aquin high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, the student who stabbed his teacher to death will be presented this February 24 before an examining magistrate with a view to a under investigation for murder.

Two days after the terrible tragedy at Saint-Thomas d’Aquin high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, the student who stabbed Agnès Lassalle to death will go to court. He could be taken into custody. According to Bayonne public prosecutor Jérôme Bourrier, the second-grade student “has put forward a little voice that speaks to him (…), which incites him to do evil and which would have suggested to him the day before to commit an assassination”. It will now be up to the judges to decide.

During the press conference, the prosecutor considered that the student “appeared accessible to criminal responsibility” because “no mental illness of the schizophrenia type, manic state, melancholy or mental retardation, nor acute psychiatric decompensation” were detected. . The Bayonne public prosecutor’s office will therefore request the temporary detention of this 16-year-old student.

While the school reopened its doors this Friday, February 24, the emotion is still immense, reported AFP, including 20 minutes echoed. Three police officers were posted in front of the school gate. “All the students are coming back today, in an atmosphere that is still very collected and support still in place, with school medicine and national education psychologists,” said Vincent Destais, diocesan director of Catholic education in Bayonne.

This Wednesday, February 22, 2023, a teacher from Saint-Thomas d’Aquin high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) was killed by a student, who violently attacked her with a knife, around 10 a.m., in the middle of a Spanish lesson. France Blue Basque Country comes from a testimony that the teenager would have got up in the middle of the lesson, hiding his bladed weapon in a sheet. After blocking the door of the room, he allegedly threw himself on the teacher to stab her, who was hit in the sternum. When the emergency services arrived on the scene, the victim, aged around fifty, was in cardiopulmonary arrest. She died a few minutes later.

According to the first elements gathered by various media, including theAFP, the assailant is a 16-year-old boy. The public prosecutor of Bayonne, quoted by The Parisian, indicates that the young man is educated in second class and was a student of the teacher killed. He was quickly arrested by the police. At this stage, the reasons that led him to commit this barbaric act are not yet known. The young man is unknown to the precise police services BFM-TV. The news channel claims that “the teenager suffers from psychiatric disorders, and would have said ‘to be possessed’, after his acting out.” The world confirms that the investigation “is oriented towards taking into account possible psychiatric disorders of the perpetrator.” According to information from Opinionthe high school student would have made “weird remarks, a little incoherent”, but “in connection” with his act.

After attacking the teacher, the high school student in question would have gone to a neighboring class and would have given his weapon to a teacher present with whom he would have exchanged a few words. Police sources quoted by various media said that the young man claimed to have “heard voices” telling him that his teacher “embodied evil” and pushed him to attack him. The high school student would have renewed his declarations during his police custody according to other sources close to the file with BFM TV. The Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, confirmed Thursday, February 23 before the press conference of the public prosecutor: It is rather towards psychiatric disorders that we are moving but I do not want to conclude before the investigation clarified all this”. In front of the investigators, the high school student renewed his statements on “voices” that he would have heard before stabbing his teacher. These voices would have told him that the teacher “embodied evil “according to a police source with BFM TV. The trail of psychiatric disorders therefore seems to be confirmed.

Agnès Lassalle was stabbed by one of her students on Wednesday February 22, 2023. A 52-year-old teacher who had been teaching Spanish at the private high school in Saint-Jean-de-Luz for 26 years. Her companion would like the image of her to remain as a person who “always tried to help others, to do things well”. For her companion, Agnès Lassalle accomplished “her mission to the end”.

The public prosecutor described the teacher as a person “extremely invested in her school and unanimously appreciated by her students, her colleagues, her family”. Since then, many testimonies from students have been pouring in to honor the memory of Agnès Lassalle. A former student from his Spanish class gave his testimony to the Parisian. “I had this teacher for two years, she was demanding yes, but she knew where she wanted to take her students, humanly she was very nice, she was a wonderful woman”.
