Professor gives students a simple task

It was only intended to get to know each other, but this professor of ethics was particularly astonished by how brazenly she had deceived her students.

What did the students do? Megan Fritts works as an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock and she doesn’t ask much of her students: Write a short text about yourself and your expectations for this course. Sounds easy, but the students cheated. You use the AI ​​ChatGPT to write the essay. When asked about it, they admitted it, according to Fritts.

When Megan Fritts went public with her amazement about this via X, she received both encouragement and headwind. However, the situation takes on a special note when it becomes clear what the course was about. Business Insider reported on the situation.

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Absurdly appropriate cheating

What was the topic of the event? Fritt’s course focused on ethics and technology. And the students indulged in the technology called ChatGPT even beyond the simple introductory task: they had the AI ​​generate questions for them to then ask in the course.

Is anyone defending the students? Yes, there are a few voices on She responded to Businessinsider by referring to the many minor students. A lot of students from non-disciplinary courses come to courses like these, so they are very interested in what they expect from their time there.

This student candidate in Turkey has to endure much more than just a warning from his professor; he is threatened with draconian punishments. The applicant for entry into the Turkish university system tried to cheat during a state exam – a very stupid idea: his attempt to cheat with a camera, cell phone and AI failed, but the police are certainly impressed.
