Professor David Heymann announces first country to emerge from coronavirus pandemic

Professor David Heymann announces first country to emerge from coronavirus

It has been claimed that England, which is one of the countries where the debates are most severe during the coronavirus epidemic, will be the first country to come out of the pandemic. The person who made this claim; David Heymann, an American scientist living in London.

England, one of the countries most affected by the coronavirus epidemic, is still being discussed about the measures. The government, which started to be criticized again, especially with the spread of the Omicron variant, was accused of being inadequate with the measures it implemented.


Speaking at an online seminar organized by think tank Chatham House on Monday, Heymann cited the latest figures, which estimate that 95% of the UK population has antibodies against infection through vaccine or natural infection. Heymann added that most of those currently in intensive care units are unvaccinated.

In his speech in the House of Commons yesterday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that he attended a drinking party held in the garden of the Prime Minister’s Residence on May 20, 2020, while the coronavirus restrictions continued in his country, and apologized.

The number of daily cases reported by the UK is steadily decreasing, although it remains high. More than 120,000 cases were recorded in the country on Tuesday.

