Professions, Cataldi (accountants): “Balancing role and responsibility”

Professions Cataldi accountants Balancing role and responsibility

(Finance) – “In an increasingly dynamic and complex professional context, the role of the accountant is constantly evolving. The 2023 Forum of the Union of Young Accountants is designed as a moment of reflection and discussion on how to best balance our role and the growing responsibilities that the profession imposes and requires”. Francesco Cataldi, president of the National Union of Young Accountants and Accounting Experts, presenting the XVII Forum of Young Accountants, entitled “The accountant in balance between role and responsibility”, scheduled for Friday 15 December 2023 from 10.00 am at the Antonianum Auditorium.

“With representatives of institutions, professions, the academic and entrepreneurial world we will explore the roles of advisor, expert, auxiliary and attester in the crisis and insolvency code, analyzing the related responsibilities. We will discuss the critical issues related to positions in boards of auditors, characterized by almost unlimited responsibility and compensation that is still far from fair. Finally, we will focus on the opportunity for the accountant to intervene in the context of the various certifications that the tax delegation will add to the existing ones, in particular due to the skills and legality safeguards that this professional figure can guarantee to the community”, he added Cataldi.

Three morning sessions are scheduled during the day entitled “The Role of advisor, expert, auxiliary and attester in the CCI and his Responsibilities”; “The Mayor: between (still) unlimited responsibility and (uncertain) fair compensation” e “A new role for the Accountant or a natural evolution? At what cost?”. Among the interventions, those of Chiara Gribaudo, vice-president of the Public and Private Work commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Andrea de Bertoldi, member of the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; and Enrico Zanetti, former deputy minister of Economy and Finance. The speech is scheduled for 2.00 pm Maurizio Leo, deputy minister of Economy and Finance.

In the afternoon, round table with Francesco Paolo Sisto, deputy minister of Justice; Marta Schifone, member of the XI Commission (Public and Private Work) Chamber of Deputies; Francesco Savio, president of the UNGDCEC Study Center Foundation, Elbano de Nuccio, president of the CNDCEC.
