prof. Dr. Immigrant population warning against rapidly increasing measles cases from Şener! “It’s not an innocent disease”

prof Dr Immigrant population warning against rapidly increasing measles cases

prof. Dr. Alper Şener, about the immigrants in Turkey, said, “Since a significant part of these people are indifferent, there is a situation where childhood diseases vaccinations are not given. Turkey’s annual population growth is certain. Family medicine makes 90 percent of childhood vaccinations. “If there is a stir in measles, the widespread cluster of measles across the country may turn into an epidemic, as well as those who have avoided vaccination in the Turkish population,” he said.

According to the figures reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of cases in the highly contagious measles disease, which dates back to ancient times, has caused the lives of millions of children and adults and more than that, has been increasing. According to official data reported to WHO by the Ministry of Health, 1440 measles cases were seen in Turkey in the first 4 months of 2023. Evaluating the increase in the cases, Prof. from İzmir Katip Çelebi University Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases. Dr. Alper Şener said that the uncontrolled population growth was effective in the increase of the disease. Pointing out that measles is a disease that only infects humans, Prof. Dr. Alper Şener noted that the society can be protected, especially with vaccines. Stating that while many of the childhood diseases that can be prevented by vaccines can also be seen in animals in nature, Prof. Dr. Şener said, “The only way to prevent the clustering of the disease or the increase in the number of cases is vaccination. When the immunity rate in a population drops below 96 percent, the measles virus starts to stir. This is a natural process. This was the case in the late 1990s and mid 2000s. Not to mention measles, it’s also a deadly disease. Unvaccinated people are at risk of being admitted to intensive care when they get measles. He may also suffer from a progressive neurological disease. He can even live with this disease for the rest of his life.


Stating that vaccination in childhood is of great importance, Prof. Şener emphasized that the increase in the number of measles cases in the last 6 months was especially based on Istanbul. Stating that the disease is not yet in the epidemic stage according to the statements made by the Ministry of Health, Şener warned that it is still necessary to be very careful. prof. Dr. Şener said, “We have seen at different times in the past with Covid 19 that epidemics that started in Istanbul cause serious problems throughout Turkey. Because 1 out of every 5 people in Turkey lives in Istanbul. The increase in a city with a population of 20 million should be watched carefully. The public should be made aware of this issue,” he said.


Stating that during the pandemic period, both the world and Turkey, the opposition to vaccination and the tendency not to get vaccinated became widespread. Dr. Alper Şener drew attention to the immigrants in Turkey. Expressing that immigrants are a serious threat in terms of infectious diseases, Prof. Dr. Şener said, “Since a significant part of these people are indifferent, vaccinations for childhood diseases are not given. Turkey’s annual population growth is certain. Family medicine makes 90 percent of childhood vaccinations. If the fluctuation in measles is reflected in the Turkish population who have avoided vaccination, the widespread measles cluster across the country may turn into an epidemic. According to the figures of the World Health Organization, there has been an increase in measles diagnoses since January. However, childhood rash diseases are mixed with each other. Rubella and other diseases can all mimic measles. May produce rashes. It is necessary to look at the finalized case numbers.”

‘Measles is not an innocent disease’

Stating that certain risks may arise in those who have had the measles vaccine due to the long period of time since the vaccine, Prof. Dr. Şener mentioned that it is known that the group over the age of 65 is faced with disabling conditions such as rash, pneumonia after measles, brain inflammation and otitis media.

Making some warnings, Prof. Dr. Sener said:

“Measles is not an innocent disease. They interpret rash childhood diseases as a disease that everyone should experience. This is a false belief. There is no such thing. When you are protected with vaccination, you overcome this disease without symptoms, even if you encounter the measles virus, you stay away from clinical manifestations such as pneumonia and brain inflammation that may occur afterwards. In terms of public health, if you keep the vaccinated population above 96 percent, we will reduce the burden of the disease on your immune system, even if we do not reduce the burden of the disease in the hospital. “You need to know. If the disease burden increases, the virus load increases. Being exposed to more viral particles increases hospitalization. At the beginning of my profession, when I was a general practitioner, we used to go from village to village with vaccine bags in our hands. We should not neglect childhood vaccinations in order not to return to that period.”


Explaining that the most risky population in measles is healthcare workers, Prof. Dr. Şener recommended a reminder dose to this group. prof. Dr. Şener said, “Even if healthcare workers are vaccinated, they may become infected because they will be exposed to intense virus. If there is an epidemic, a reminder dose vaccine is recommended to those who take care of these patients and intensive care workers. This vaccine is administered in two doses. Measles is very dangerous for those over 65 years of age, organ transplant recipients, hemodialysis patients, patients with chronic lung disease, heart failure and cancer patients. Because the rate of transmission is very contagious, even with 10 percent of the virus, the rate of transmission is 96%. “It is close to 100 percent. We do not recommend the vaccine to pregnant women and people with suppressed immune systems such as cancer patients. Because it is a live vaccine.”

