Productivity collapse, Wall Street sinks. Feather Fed effect

Productivity collapse Wall Street sinks Feather Fed effect

(Finance) – Collapse of US productivityin the first quarter, the worst decline since 1947and new claims for unemployment benefits increasing, worse than expected. Factors that contribute to send on tilt Wall Street. The American price list crosses the mid-session milestone with a sharp drop, forgetting the rally on the eve supported by the Federal Reserve which raised interest rates by 50 basis points and ruled out a 75 point adjustment in the next meeting.

US indices sink: the Dow Jones sinks with a decline of 2.89%, halting the series of three consecutive rises, started last Monday; on the same line, theS & P-500 it collapsed by 3.29%, down to 4,159 points. In sharp decline the Nasdaq 100 (-4.66%); with similar direction, heavy theS&P 100 (-3.52%).

In the S&P 500, no sub-funds are saved. Among the most negative on the S&P 500 list, we find the sectors secondary consumer goods (-5.20%), informatics (-4.65%) e telecommunications (-3.77%).

In this bad day for the New York Stock Exchange, no Blue Chip scores a positive performance.

The strongest falls occur on Salesforcewhich continues the session with -7.25%.

At a loss Nikewhich falls by 5.75%.

Heavy Applewhich marks a drop of as much as -5.21 percentage points.

Negative sitting for Microsoftwhich falls by 4.65%.

Between protagonists of the Nasdaq 100, Booking Holdings (+ 4.06%) e Charter Communications (+ 2.65%).

The worst performances, on the other hand, are recorded on Cognizant Technology Solutionswhich gets -12.87%.

Sensitive losses for Pinduoduo Inc Spon Each Repdown 11.55%.

Breathless Ebaywhich falls by 10.29%.

Thud of Mercadolibrewhich shows a drop of 9.36%.

Between macroeconomic variables most important in the North American markets:

Thursday 05/05/2022
13:30 USA: Challenger layoffs (formerly 21.39K units)
14:30 USA: Unit labor cost, quarterly (expected 9.9%; previous 1%)
14:30 USA: Productivity, quarterly (expected -5.4%; previously 6.3%)
14:30 USA: Unemployment Claims, Weekly (Expected 182K Units; Previously 181K Units)

Friday 06/05/2022
14:30 USA: Change in employees (expected 391K units; previous 431K units).
