Product recall: the Tomacouli Panzani withdrawn from the shelves for the presence of anomalies

Product recall the Tomacouli Panzani withdrawn from the shelves for

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    Be careful if you very often use Tomacouli Bio tomato sauce from the Panzani brand to accompany your dishes. Several batches have just been recalled for various manufacturing defects.

    Panzani tomato coulis: the references of the batches concerned

    Here is the information you need to know about the batches of Tomacouli from the Panzani brand sold throughout France:

    • Product Category: Food
    • Product Sub-Category: Soups, Sauces & Condiments
    • Brand Name: PANZANI
    • Model name: TOMACULI BIO 265G
    • GTIN: 3038350032195
    • Batch numbers: Batch: 2220060193 / Batch: 2220060194
    • Date of minimum durability: 01/07/2024
    • Packaging: Brick
    • Marketing start/end date: From 08/12/2022 to 09/08/2022
    • Storage temperature: Product to be stored at room temperature
    • Geographical area of ​​sale: whole of France
    • Distributors: Intermarché / Le Mistral (System U)

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    Why were the products recalled?

    According to Rappel Conso, the products concerned have manufacturing defects. Indeed, micro leaks, packaging anomalies and faulty heat sealing were detected. Because of the presence of these factors, the conditions do not allow satisfactory health guarantees to be provided. These batches may pose a health hazard to consumers. This is why, to avoid the development of a pathology, the product recall was launched.

    If you have one of these two batches in your cupboards, Rappel Conso strongly recommends not to consume them. In addition, you can return your product to the supermarket where you purchased it. A refund will surely be offered. You can also contact customer service for any complaints at this number: 09 70 80 91 15.

    Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you have any doubts about your state of health, after consumption of one of the defective batches.

    In short, the end of the recall of defective batches has been set for October 8, 2022.
