Produced liquid metal that can be controlled and offers liquid to solid state transition

Produced liquid metal that can be controlled and offers liquid

Scientists once again took a surprising step. It is a special device that offers liquid to solid state transition and can be controlled remotely. liquid metal was developed.

Scientists are working on many different projects to make human life better. The most recent of these projects is the one that was brought up as a miniature robot but not basically a robot (not to mention the Terminator T-1000 reference). located in front of us at the center of liquid metal. This material, prepared by engineers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, remotely controllable and can switch between solid and liquid it makes a lot of noise. The material you can see being moved in the video above, according to the statement liquid metal gallium with “neodymium, iron and boron” magnetic microscopic consists of a mixture of parts. While the material is solid, it is strong enough to support 30 times its own mass, but it can become liquid when desired and can pass through narrow spaces. According to the information given by the scientists, gallium has a low melting point of 29.8 degrees, so there is no need for an extremely high temperature for the liquid form. Gallium and the magnetic particles integrated into it are the materials of this material. It allows it to be moved with a specially created magnetic field.. So what will this do in practice? What will be the impact of this work on human life?


Thanks to this infrastructure It is possible to remove unwanted objects from the human body. being transferred. You can see exactly how this happens after 12 seconds of the video at the top of the page. In this time-lapse video, it is revealed that the metal is melted by induction after going to the desired place in the human body, grasping the object and carrying it out with the magnetic field. This system also It is stated that it can also be used to take medicine to a specific point.. It is reported that the infrastructure can also be used for remote soldering of circuit boards. This interesting usage is also shown directly after the 33rd second of the video above.
