Probably the most underrated Marvel film ever, it has not yet been surpassed by the MCU (despite several attempts).

Probably the most underrated Marvel film ever it has not

In recent years we have seen an unprecedented abundance of superhero films, whether mega-blockbusters or indie secrets. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the boom was triggered by Spider-Man, X-Men and Blade. Other groundbreaking films are against it fallen into oblivion.

If we look at the early representatives of this formative era, under no circumstances should the… Hulk film by Ang Lee be forgotten. When it was released in theaters, the comic book adaptation was ridiculed. In today’s superhero landscape, she virtually no longer plays a role. But it’s definitely worth giving the film a second chance.

On the trail of Spider-Man and Co.: A superhero is born from a genetic experiment

The story of Hulk begins in the 1960s. Dr. David Banner (Nick Nolte) is with us genetic experiments busy and doesn’t shy away from using his own body for testing purposes. How can humans become immune to chemical weapons? Banner’s self-experiments have serious consequences.

You can watch the trailer for Hulk here:

Hulk – Trailer (German)

Years later, when Banner’s son, Bruce (Eric Bana), is exposed to an overdose of gamma radiation, he turns into a… green rage monster. The reason: Banner passed on the mutation in his body caused by the experiments to his son. Bruce has to face the consequences of his father’s reckless actions.

Hulk delights with his choice of director. Lee isn’t exactly known for blockbusters. Although he created visually stunning cinema like Life of Pi and Tiger & Dragon, his greatest strength in dramawhere he gets incredibly close to characters, sometimes in a very serious, sometimes humorous way, but always in an honest and touching way.

Hulk is a Marvel film adaptation through and through – and tries to understand the restless rager

Lee stages his Hulk with admirable enthusiasm for the comic origins: moving images are divided into panels and the title character hops through the desert with huge jumps. The template will not concealed, but embraced. And at the same time we are still dealing with a real Ang Lee film.

Lee brings an emotional level to the film that deals with his emotionally torn protagonist in a very human way. In direct comparison to Sam Raimis melodramatic Spidey films, which were released in theaters in the early 2000s, Hulk may seem a little paler. But looking back, that is a fallacy.

Lee does an amazing job of understanding his protagonist’s anger and pain. Eric Bana digs extremely deep into his character. Neither Edward Norton nor Mark Ruffalo later achieved this with their interpretations of the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s about time for another Hulk film from Ang Lee.

Marvel blockbuster: When will Hulk be on TV?

You can watch Hulk tonight March 27, 2024 at 8:15 p.m. on NITRO look. With advertising, the broadcast lasts until 10:50 p.m. There is no repeat. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Amazon with various purchase and rental options.

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