Murlocs are one of the most famous enemies in World of Warcraft – and not just because they can be found almost everywhere. Their behavior and especially their strange gurgling noises have been making memes since Vanilla. MeinMMO explains where the sound comes from, which still takes your breath away, especially in Classic.
What is that sound?
That’s why the sound causes fear: Murlocs are known to attack in large groups. You usually can’t pull just one Murloc, as soon as you attack one you have the whole village on your heels. And if not, friends and relatives will come to you at the latest when the Murloc flees and you can’t kill him in time.
They are considered the deadliest enemies, especially in early levels, at least in WoW Classic. Especially in hardcore mode, where every death is permanent, players are extremely careful when killing Murlocs.
At least every player who has played before Cataclysm and doesn’t know exactly what happens when a Murloc attacks them will flee as soon as they hear the gurgling.
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“That was this man gargling yogurt”
Fans have been puzzling for some time about where the Murlocs’ famous sound actually comes from. Apparently this was already explained in the making of Vanilla WoW almost 20 years ago, but we can’t verify that.
Former Blizzard employee Jason T. Hall has now dug up the origin again. In his stream he explains: the developer Bob Fitch is responsible for the sound of the Murlocs (via YouTube).
Fitch has worked at Blizzard since 1992 and has worked on Warcraft 1-3, StarCraft and Diablo, among others. The Murloc call is said to have originated when Fitch gargled his mouth full of yogurt into a microphone.
It is difficult to confirm whether this is actually true. Other fans spread this statement years ago. We have also asked Blizzard, but are currently waiting for a response.
However, Jason T. Hall is considered a pretty reliable source when it comes to Blizzard things. He worked at Blizzard for 6 years and 6 months, primarily in the security area. For some time now he has been drawing attention to himself with his own company Pirate Software and with his Twitch stream, on which he stated, among other things, that one horse earned Blizzard more than all of StarCraft 2.