Probably the best zombie horror of the year with an incredibly realistic and intense story

Probably the best zombie horror of the year with an

Few productions have zombie horror fans as swept up as The Last of Us. In addition to a brilliantly told story, the HBO series benefits above all from its two stars Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal. Anyone who wants to secure them in the best possible quality can strike today. The video game adaptation is now available for home cinema.

Horror hit The Last of Us in home cinema: HBO series enthusiastic critics and audiences

The Last of Us is out now in three different formats for home cinema to buy:

Alternatively, the series is also available as a VOD version to buy or rent from Amazon *. The Last of Us fans will find themselves particularly excited about the 4K option, for which they had to wait several months since the series aired.

The Last of Us is an adaptation of the video game of the same name. Unlike many other video game adaptations, the series has found favor with both critics (via Metacritic) and viewers, such as among others the Moviepilot rating of 8.2 proves it.

When is The Last of Us Season 2 coming to Germany?

The Last of Us Season 2 is definitely coming. Due to the Hollywood strike by actors and screenwriters, the The start date for new episodes is currently impossible to foresee.

Sci-Fi Masterpieces, Comedy And More: 15 TV Show Secrets You Can Stream Totally Free

Far away from Netflix and Co., there are numerous series that you can stream completely free of charge without a subscription. In the new episode of our podcast Streamgeurious, we present 15 insider tips.

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