Probably the best James Bond film shocks with an incredibly hard scene that would have almost been even more blatant

Probably the best James Bond film shocks with an incredibly

Old school James Bond fans were in for a real surprise with Casino Royale. The film is now considered one of the best, if not the best, Bond film. But a really difficult scene was originally supposed to be even more intense if the two main actors had their way. You can watch the film online in stream.

That’s what James Bond 007 – Casino Royale is about

With this film, the long-serving series is making a new start on several levels. The reboot not only throws us into the deep end with a new Bond actor in the form of Daniel Craig, but also takes us to the beginning of his career. The newly minted Double Zero agent has just received his license to kill and has to take on one of his worst cases.

This time it’s against the main villain LeChiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), who is a real threat. The villain not only earns his money as an arms dealer, but also speculates on the stock market. James Bond appears to be taking part in a high-level poker tournament, but of course the whole affair gets out of hand.


Mads Mikkelsen in James Bond 007 – Casino Royale

The torture scene in James Bond – Casino Royale could have been much worse

Casino Royale doesn’t pay much attention to old traditions. His Majesty’s secret agent doesn’t care whether the drink is shaken or stirred and we experience it more vulnerable than ever before. This James Bond can bleed, he suffers, feels pain and is not as aloof as his predecessors. What’s more, we see him naked for the first time.

And in a very unpleasant situation: LeChiffre tortures 007 in the worst possible way and manner. The villain explains that he would leave nothing left by which James Bond could be recognized as a man. But the two main actors, Daniel Craig and Mads Mikkelsen, would have liked to go further, as the latter explains to Vulture:

We discussed how to approach it and just went further with something that was really brutal and insane. One idea was that I actually cut it open somewhere and then he has to suffer from it for quite a while. At a certain point, director Martin Campbell just smiled and said, ‘Guys, come back to the table. This is a Bond film. We can’t go that far.’

The idea came about because the two actors were relatively unknown at the time and, according to Mads Mikkelsen, came from the indie world. They approached working on their first James Bond film with this mindset, but of course it didn’t work out.

TV or stream: When and where is James Bond 007 – Casino Royale showing?

Cable one aired the first James Bond film with Daniel Craig on May 8th at 11:05 p.m out of. It ran until 1:50 a.m. and there will be no repeat.

If you want, you can also stream the film online. It is currently not available as a subscription plan, but you can find it on Amazon, Apple, Maxdome, Magenta TV and Google, for example.

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