Prisoners learn to reverse overdoses

Prisoners learn to reverse overdoses

Anna Karolina Eriksson/TT




full screen Inmates are taught how to reverse a fatal overdose using the nasal spray naloxone. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The Fosieanstalten in Malmö is the first in the country to train prisoners in how to recover from an overdose. When the inmates are released from prison, they then receive the nasal spray naloxone, which can reverse an overdose of opioids, reports SVT Nyheter Skåne.

Many inmates have substance abuse problems, and there are currently plans to train 300 inmates until the end of the year.

– This is not intended to be used in the prison, there should be no narcotics there. Naloxone is given to those who have been trained when they are on leave or are released, says Marie-Louise Lindén, health care expert at the Correctional Service to SVT.
