Print it out and hang it on your home wall! A spoonful causes cancer, clogs arteries, turns hormones upside down

Print it out and hang it on your home wall

Malnutrition brings bad diseases. Unfortunately, not only packaged products are included in malnutrition. These include fruits and vegetables that have been subjected to poor farming practices and over-fertilization. It never crosses your mind that it can harm you while buying or consuming these foods. Unhealthy foods that you often consume in your daily life, especially to increase the risk of cancer.

14 foods you eat every day that are known to cause the most cancer…

carbonated drinks

Fizzy drinks contain high amounts of sugar. High amount of sugar is also one of the areas where cancer feeds. These drinks also contain artificial coloring and various chemicals. This artificial color is called Caramel IV and has the carcinogenic chemical 4-MEI as a byproduct of an ammonia-based process.


Although grilled meat is delicious, scientists have discovered that the high temperatures used for cooking produce cancer-causing hydrocarbons due to changes in the chemical and molecular structure of meat.



Canned foods are dangerous because the way they are boxed is very harmful. This method is coated with the chemical BPA, a hormone disruptor that has been proven to alter the brain cells of mice. Canned tomatoes in particular pose a problem because their acidity causes BPA to leach into food and make it even more unhealthy.



These vegetable oils are obtained chemically from their source. They also have dangerous levels of Omega-6 fats, which alter the structure of the cell membrane and can cause cancer as a result.


Trans fats are converted from liquid to solid by food manufacturers through a process called hydrogenation, which extends the shelf life of various products. You should know that trans fat causes cancer because in 2015 food manufacturers were given 3 years to not use partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) in their products.


While wild-caught salmon may have beneficial proteins for you, more than 60% of salmon consumed in the United States comes from animal farms where they are fed antibiotic and pesticide-filled feeds, and is passed on to humans as they eat them.



Most artificial sweeteners are produced through chemical processes, and there isn’t enough data to let us know if they’re actually safe. Some studies say that artificial sweeteners have the potential to cause the toxic substance DKP (Diketopiperazine) to accumulate in the body and cause brain tumors.



Refined white flour does not have any nutritional value due to the chemical processes it has to go through. And worse, it has been bleached with chlorine gas to achieve this white color. It’s also packed with carbohydrates that are very easily converted into sugar (cancer’s favorite food) in your body.



Fruits and vegetables are good for your health as long as they are not exposed to pesticides. For example, Atrazine is a banned weed killer because it causes serious problems in people living in Europe. However, it is still widely used in the USA. According to data from the Environmental Working Group EWG, 98 percent of all conventional products have been exposed to cancer-causing pesticides.


Try to choose more organic fruits in your food shopping and wash all products carefully before consuming.


This group includes things like hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats. During food processing, dangerous amounts of chemicals are added, as well as salts such as nitrates and nitrites, which are used to preserve food along with salt, in large quantities. Additives are intended to make foods more attractive in taste, but this poses a serious risk to your health.



Potato chips are harmful for several reasons. The first is fried with trans fat. Well, do you remember the fifth item on the list? (Here, ear it in.) Second, potatoes contain salts that not only increase the risk of cancer, but also the risk of heart disease. Many varieties also contain preservatives and artificial colorants.



There is an ongoing fierce debate about the safety of GM foods. Large food producers prefer GMO products because they are more reliable than organic ones and also because they are easier to produce in poor countries. However, these foods are only just starting to hit the shelves and it is too early to say anything about their potential long-term harmful effects.



Research by the National Cancer Institute shows a link between excessive alcohol consumption and cancers of the head and neck, esophagus, liver, breast and colon. However, while the debate about moderate alcohol consumption still continues, the general consensus is that it is healthier.



The biggest problem in this category is corn syrup (HFCS), which contains high amounts of fruit sugar, and other refined sugars, even brown sugar, which is a problem because big food companies actually add syrup back to the more natural ones. Refined sugars are one of the biggest reasons for the increase in insulin values, and sugar supports the formation of cancer cells.

