“Princess men”, the trend that is causing debate on TikTok: our psychologist sheds light on this concept

Princess men the trend that is causing debate on TikTok

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical Psychologist)

    With more than 57 million posts on Tiktok, the phenomenon of “princess men” raises questions. Real evolution or regression for society? Insight from our clinical psychologist.

    Do you know about princess men? These are men who adopt behaviors traditionally associated with the feminine gender. An inappropriate expression or a term that contributes to the awakening of mentalities? We asked the question to Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist.

    Princess men, this delicate jewel of the male gender?

    We know what a princess man is, that’s why we run away from them!“, “A princess man is a man who is not in his masculine energy.“, “If you let your girlfriend drive you, you’re a man, princess.”… For several months, the expression “princess man” has been debated on the Chinese social network.

    And for good reason: it focuses on these “spoiled” men, who have consciously or unconsciously decided to adopt so-called “feminine” attitudes – such as being chatted up, letting people drive them or not paying the bill at a restaurant.

    A development that displeases some women, who believe that the “roles are reversed”.

    However, this trend is not necessarily negative, believes Amélie Boukhobza.

    The concept of “princess men” deliberately challenges gender stereotypes, and that’s what makes it quite fascinating. Traditionally, the term “princess” is associated with qualities such as delicacy, gentleness, well-groomed appearance, but also with a form of vulnerability or passivity. Applying this term to men directly breaks these codes, and invites us to rethink the notions of masculinity and femininity, which are often locked into rigid patterns,” she decrypts.

    An “invitation to the freedom to be”

    In a world where gender fluidity and individuality are increasingly advocated, the idea of ​​a “princess man” reflects this desire to free oneself from social expectations, believes the psychologist.

    Why shouldn’t a man be able to embody traditionally “feminine” qualities while remaining fully himself? After all, being gentle, sensitive, taking care of one’s appearance or accepting behaviors traditionally associated with “women” is in no way contrary to virility. This label, provocative and deliberately ironic, underlines that the strength of an individual has never been a question of gender or outward appearance,” she explains.

    The other interest of this 2.0 notion? It pushes us to question “our own perceptions of gender roles“.

    Why do we still associate certain qualities or behaviors with one sex rather than another? Behind the term “princess man”, there is an invitation to the freedom to be, to the unconstrained expression of emotions, tastes and life choices“, the expert emphasizes.

    It must also be acknowledged that this concept, a little provocative it must be said, can annoy or worry those who see in this fluidity a threat to established benchmarks. But in reality, it is not about denying gender differences, but rather about broadening the possibilities of expression and getting rid of the fear of not corresponding to a norm. And then, if men want to slip into the role of the “princess” – with all that this implies in terms of elegance, refinement and imagination – who are we to stop them? Perhaps it is even a way of reclaiming vulnerability, this area long reserved for women, and of showing that fragility has never been a weakness…!” she concludes.

    Fighting gender stereotypes: books to educate our children

    Slideshow: Fighting gender stereotypes: books to educate our children
