Princess Madeleine furiously on the royal family: “Feeling cheated”

Princess Madeleine furiously on the royal family Feeling cheated

Today the relationship is fine between the princess Madeleine And prince Carl Philips Wife Princess Sofia. But it has required time and patience. When the Prince and Sofia first became a couple, “Madde” did not click with Sofia at all.

In the book Madeleine – Princess privately written by Swedish women’s magazine editor -in -chief Johan T Lindwall So he reveals the details of the frosty relationship between Sofia and Madeleine.

One thing that made Princess Madeleine simply see red was that the royal couple offered Prince Carl Philip and Sofia to the summer house Villa Mirage in the Saint-Maxime area in St Tropez, French Riviera.

Being there is definitely not belonging to the usual, writes Swedish lady.

“Neither Daniel WestlingThe Jonas Bergström or Emma Pernald Had been welcome there in the royal family’s company. At least not officially, ”writes Johan T Lindwall in the book.

So the Crown Princess Victoria Was never invited there with his Daniel, and during that time that Princess Madeleine dated Jonas Bergström, he was also not current for holidays in the sun on the French Riviera. Prince Carl Philips former girlfriend Emma Pernald was never honored with an invitation invitation either.

The pictures of the royal family caused Princess Madeleine to rage: “Feeling cheated”

When the royal couple invited the prince and Sofia to the “troop” and took a tour with the family boat Polaris, they immediately ended up on the paparazzi photographers’ radar – and already the same evening the pictures were wired throughout Europe.

In the pictures Sofia wore a bikini and kissed Carl Philip in front of Queen Silvia who laughed.

“However, someone who did not laugh when she saw the pictures was Madeleine. She was completely crazy. Furious is another description. Madeleine felt deceived by the family, ”writes Johan T Lindwall in the book, reports Swedish lady.
