Princess Kate gives new information about her cancer

Princess Kate gives new information about her cancer

In March announced Kate Middletonthe Princess of Wales, that she had been diagnosed with cancer and would undergo chemotherapy.

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Shortly before the announcement of the cancer diagnosis, various rumors abounded about what had happened to the princess who had disappeared from the limelight after abdominal surgery.

– In January, I underwent a major operation on my stomach. Then they thought it had nothing to do with cancer. The operation was successful. But tests after the operation showed that I had cancer, said Kate in connection with the cancer diagnosis.

Photo: STELLA Pictures.

In June, she wrote in a statement on Instagram that she was making good progress in her treatment.

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The news: Kate Middleton is ending her treatment

Princess Kate has now finished her chemotherapy against cancer.

She will shortly return to some of her official duties, the British court said.


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