Princess Catherine won’t let the court dictate – court insider: “She’s not going to be the next Princess Diana” | Foreign countries

Princess Catherine wont let the court dictate court insider

LONDON In Britain, the Princess of Wales Catherine announced this week that her chemotherapy treatments are over. A court connoisseur who wrote a book about the princess Robert Jobson however, says that the most popular member of the British court will not be seen much in public until he recovers from his cancer treatments.

– I think he will only be seen once or twice before the end of the year in carefully controlled events, Jobson said in London at an event for foreign correspondents.

The 42-year-old Princess Catherine talked about her health in a cinematic video published on social media. He told in his own voice that full recovery will still take time and he is taking it one day at a time.

– As you know, life can change in an instant. We must find ways to navigate stormy waters and unknown roads, he said.

A well-thought-out publicity image

According to Jobson, the video released this week shows that Princess Catherine wants to control her own public image. The public is shown a social media-worthy, carefully made video, in which the princess appears as a strong narrator instead of Hovi informing about her well-being.

Last March, the princess announced that she was suffering from cancer. He has appeared in public only a little during the treatments. Catherine’s absence from the public eye before telling about the cancer fueled conspiracy theories.

According to the British press, Kate wanted to show in her video that she is directing her own life again. He appears, among other things, behind the wheel of an SUV in the Norfolk countryside. This has been compared to the queen who died two years ago to Elizabethwho was seen on videos over the years driving his Land Rover with his tires.

Catherine is expected to attend the war veterans’ memorial service on the second Sunday in November, if she is well then.

– It’s hard to be a working woman. Men can appear unshaven and in a suit jacket without judgment. A woman needs to spend more time preparing. For him, the stress is a hundred times bigger and cancer increases it, says Jobson.

Robert Jobson, who has written several books about British royalty, has recently published a book about Princess Catherine. The book Catherine: Princess of Wales, also translated into Finnish, focuses especially on Catherine’s life as a member of the royal family.

Robert Jobson says he got an accurate picture of the princess through his contacts close to the court, but still describes Catherine, who guards her privacy, as a mystery. Hovi has not commented on the book.

Big difference to Diana’s treatment

Jobson sees a big difference between Catherine and the prince William’s my mother, princess Diana’s in treatment at court. Princess Diana, who died in a car accident in Paris, was distressed at court.

– I think that Catherine has made it clear that she is not going to be the next Princess Diana, Jobson thinks.

According to Jobson, Princess Diana was exposed to too much attention when she was too young and burned out by the age of thirty. The pressure was enormous even without Charles’ infidelity, divorce and other uproar.

– He was not prepared for what he had to face, and Hovi did very little to help him, Jobson says.

Jobson believes that Hovi learned from the life of Princess Diana. It listens to Catherine with a keen ear and adapts to Catherine’s decision to put her children first.

Prince William supports his wife and also puts family at the center of his life. According to Jobson, William is also not jealous of the attention his wife is getting. Prince Charles was accused of being upset by the attention Diana was getting.

– William fully understands that Catherine is an attractive woman and that this interests the magazines more than whether Prince William has a beard.

Another difference from Princess Diana’s time is that the press has given Catherine the peace to be sick. The paparazzi haven’t been looking for a princess for their photos. According to Jobson, this has been important for the princess’ recovery.

– Now the media has been incredibly polite and patient, Jobson estimates.

Catherine in favor of the royal house

Jobson highlights Catherine’s role as particularly important for the future of the royal house.

– He is like the glue that holds the royal house together. He guides the royal family to a new way of doing things.

According to Jobson, Catherine’s importance to the continuity of the monarchy’s popularity stems from the fact that she lived a somewhat normal childhood, where both parents worked. Members of the Royal House have always been privileged.

– Catherine understands what a mortgage is, Jobson describes.

Robert Jobson says Prince William and Catherine must change the British monarchy. The reason is that the younger generation is questioning the hereditary kingship.

– Even my son in his twenties has a different view of the monarchy than I or my mother had, Jobson says.

Two thirds of Britons supports the preservation of the monarchy. But among young adults under the age of 25, only 35 percent support it.

Hovi’s image is still conservative and elderly

However, Jobson can’t say how the court rejuvenation surgery is done. At least it has already been lightened.

– It used to look like the balcony of the palace would collapse from the number of people there, Jobson recalls the times when the court had more working members than now.

During the reign of King Charles, the number of royals performing representative duties has decreased from fifteen to ten five years ago.

Jobson reminds us that Britain has changed since the early years of Queen Elizabeth’s reign, when the majority of citizens were devout Christians. Today, society is diverse. Class division means less. According to Robson, the royals need to show their importance especially to young people.

– William and Harry have always been seen as young royals. Harry is about to turn 40. William is already forty. Many people think this is already an old age. The young generation expects a different kind of monarchy, he thinks.

Jobson sees that Catherine’s illness has increased her and the royal household’s popularity. The court has now spoken more openly than ever about the health of both King Charles and Catherine.

King Charles is, according to Jobson, the ruler of the transitional period already because of his age.

– If he stays in power for ten years, that’s already good. Fifteen years from now, he will be 90 years old, Jobson calculates.

According to Jobson, Charles, who is suffering from cancer, is strictly following the doctors’ advice and his health prognosis is good. His program is limited. Among other things, the program of foreign visits has been trimmed.

You broke up with Prince Harry

Jobson does not believe that Prince William will reconcile with his younger brother Harry. The reason is especially Prince Harry’s Deputy disclosure book. When Varamies was published, it was one of the best-selling books in the world.

– He made a lot of money by revealing private matters. William finds it repulsive. He attacked William’s wife and accused the king and his wife of racism, Jobson describes.

Jobson sees money behind the disputes. She hopes that Prince Harry will calm down when he receives a large inheritance when he turns 40 soon. But a bigger reason than money is a lack of trust.

– The Deputy book and Harry’s departure from Britain left terribly big damage to the monarchy. We don’t know how much damage is still to come, Jobson thinks.

When the young generation no longer supports the monarchy as strongly as the previous ones, Prince Harry’s revelations can erode the monarchy’s reputation and popularity.
