Prince Michael of Kent to visit Chatham as reserve regiment receives new colors

Prince Michael of Kent to visit Chatham as reserve regiment

The Essex & Kent Scottish Regiment will have a special guest next weekend, as it receives new colors to replace the current ones which were issued in 1994.

These colors will be presented to the reserve infantry regiment at a special parade, called the Trooping of the Colours, in Windsor on Saturday, May 13, by Prince Michael of Kent, the regiment’s colonel-in-chief.

The prince will attend a special church service in Chatham on Sunday morning, May 14, when the old colors will be officially laid up at Christ Church, joining the retired colors of the original Kent Regiment, Chatham-Kent said in a release.

The colors are the regiment’s flags: the Canadian flag (with the crown in the middle of the maple leaf) is the Sovereign’s colour, and the regimental flag, embroidered with battle honors earned by the regiment over the last two centuries.

The new colors will include four new battle honours: three for the War of 1812 (Maumee, Detroit, and Niagara), and Afghanistan.

After the May 14 service, the regiment will march from Christ Church to the Chatham-Kent Civic Centre, where the commanding officer will request from the mayor to “exercise the Freedom of the City,” previously granted to the unit in 1985.

Historically, the local militia regiment would occasionally march through the city, where citizens had the opportunity to thank them for their service.

On Sunday, the regiment will march down King Street with its new colours, place a wreath at the downtown cenotaph, then march to the old Armories, where a reception for the troops, the regimental family and community officials will be held.

The public is welcome to attend the civic center ceremony at 1 pm that day.

“It is with great pride and excitement that we welcome Prince Michael of Kent to our community as we celebrate the regiment’s receipt of its new colours,” Mayor Darrin Canniff said in the release.

“This is a momentous occasion for us all, as we recognize and honor the dedication and sacrifice of the men and women who serve our country. . . ,” he added.

“Congratulations to the Essex & Kent Scottish Regiment on this well-deserved recognition, and we wish them continued success and safety in their ongoing missions to serve and protect Canada.”
