Prince Charles reads for the first time the “Queen’s Speech” at the opening of the British Parliament

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Queen Elizabeth, 96, has difficulty navigating. He was last out of Parliament in 1963.

In Britain, the prince Charles reads for the first time the Queen’s speech at the opening of the parliamentary session. You can follow the speech live from the video rotating in the place of the main picture of this story from about 1 p.m.

Charles speaks in Parliament because of his mother, the Queen Elizabeth is blocked due to health problems. The 96-year-old queen has difficulty moving.

The Queen has given Charles special permission to read the speech on her behalf.

The moment is historic, as Queen Elizabeth, who has ruled Britain since 1952, has missed the opening session of Parliament only twice because of her pregnancies.

The last time the Queen did not attend the opening of Parliament in 1963 while waiting for the Prince Edwardia.

Alongside Prince Charles, the opening of the parliament will see the prince of his son William.

The opening of a parliamentary session is the responsibility of the Royal House under the British Constitution. The speech deals with the government’s program.
