Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson delivers the National Day speech

It was with great focus on migration and equality that Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson gave his first National Day speech.
– If we are to build Sweden together through citizenship and through the Swedish language, we must also be able to talk about common values, he said.

On his veranda in Strängnäs, Ulf Kristersson gave the traditional National Day speech.

The key word of the speech was integration – above all the Swedish language and shared values.

– No requirements to learn Swedish in order to receive various grants. No requirements to learn Swedish to obtain a permanent residence permit. Not even to become a Swedish citizen.

– This makes Sweden unique – in a bad way.

“Let’s take this seriously”

He also highlights the alienation that language deficiencies and inseparable values ​​contribute to. Above all, those who do not learn the language, do not understand Swedish laws and who do not want to accept basic Swedish values, according to the prime minister.

– Let’s take all this very seriously, just as seriously.

The conclusion is that citizenship needs to be revalued.

– Although most people probably really understand that citizenship in our country should be something big, Sweden has for decades gone in the opposite direction and on the contrary eroded it, says Kristersson.

– Even criminals have easily been able to become Swedish citizens, as have people who lied or bribed their way into citizenship, says Kristersson.

Thanks to the welfare society

Ulf Kristersson ends the speech by thanking the soldiers, sailors and police who defend Sweden’s borders and fight against the gangs.

He also thanks the healthcare, elderly care and teachers.

– And thanks to all the young people who are studying hard today, in order to be able to build on tomorrow.
